
The New Reality of the COOP, as Told by Jennifer Lawrence

If you’re like me and JLaw, food is very important.

Last year, things were very different (attention freshmen). The COOP was a refuge for all class years to escape the horrors that were Frank Dining Hall. Now, the COOP is essentially a second, lower-quality Frank.

This year, with the new food provider, us and Jennifer Lawrence are mourning the loss of our old favorite late night dining hall option:

1. Mass produced food

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Since the food is no longer made to order, it can spend hours sitting out depending on the time of day. Prime example: Quesadilla Wednesday, a Colgate favorite. Quesadilla Wednesday was 1000x better when each quesadilla was made to order. Now, you don’t have the option of adding ingredients in your quesadilla.

2. No longer open late night

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Working at the COOP until 11 pm? Why not just grab a coffee or some pizza to fuel the studying? Nope, you’re going to have to walk to Frank for that.

3. To-Go food is not the same

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Part of the appeal of the COOP was the grab and go section. They don’t have any more of the granola bars or candy so you could #treatyoself and some of the fresh stuff that they do have looks past its prime, if we’re being honest.

4. Unappealing sandwich station

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Yes, you can still get a sandwich at the COOP. Some of the things that will be the most missed from this station are fresh mozzarella, pesto, spinach, and other fresh veggies. Also, have you seen their bread options? Ironically, the sandwich ingredients that were taken away made up 4/5 of my go-to COOP sandwich.

5. Microwave

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What microwave? The microwave that made it so easy to heat, reheat, or cook your own food. Vanished. Where did it go?!

6. Limited salad options

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The COOP doesn’t even pretend to have a decent salad station anymore.  Last year, the COOP salads were far superior to Frank salads. The lack of different salad dressings and basic toppings make the grilled and fried options sound even more appealing.

7. Sushi, Dumplings, Edamame

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Introduced only in the later months of the spring semester, these Asian options were immediately a hit. Why they took them away, I will never know.

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