
All 8 Rx Bar Flavors, Ranked By Someone Who's Tasted Every Single One

Ever roamed around the general store of a small country town and see something you've never heard of? Yeah, me too. That is how I stumbled upon these miraculous goodies! I was walking around the small general store in Harvard, MA with a couple of friends and found this bar made by a company that claimed the bar only contained minimal ingredients, and yes "no BS" is one of them.

As I was intrigued by the few ingredients and the multitude of nutritional value, I decided to try them. I purchased my first ever RX Bar; it was the mint chocolate bar. And that is where the romance started.

From the first taste of the bar I was hooked. I later found other flavors and was quite surprised. Recently, I purchased a sample pack from the RX Bar website in order to try all of the flavors. I also ordered a box of chocolate sea salt, because why not? Here is my definitive rankings of the RX Bar flavors.

8. Coconut Chocolate 

There is a wicked strong coconut smell, and an even stronger coconut taste. You may be wondering, "well if you say it tastes and smells like coconut, why is it last on your list?" Well good question, and the answer is I am not a fan of coconut so this bar is not for me. However, if you are a fan of all things coconut, then this bar is definitely for you! And bonus: there is a ton of chocolate incorporated into this bar. 

7. Blueberry

A yummy blueberry smell hit my nostrils at first, but after a second or two it gave me a headache. To me, the taste resembled that of medicine. 

6. Apple Cinnamon 

A delicious apple and cinnamon smell emerges as the package is opened, but the taste just did not work for me. I could not really taste the apple, and when I did it did not really taste much like apples (if that makes sense). 

5. Maple Sea Salt

A strong maple smell is accompanied by a not so strong maple taste. It is more of a sea salt taste with a hint of maple, but it is not bad! I actually feel that if there was more of a maple taste it would be too sweet. 

4. Coffee Chocolate

I was met by a fresh smell of coffee as I opened the package. Honestly, this bar tastes like a mocha coffee. I liked this one a lot! Yes, you can have your coffee and eat it too.

3. Mint Chocolate 

This bar has such a yummy, minty smell and it reminds me of the holidays (what perfect timing). This one is delicious and it has a perfect combination of chocolate and mint. It's basically a peppermint patty or an Andes mint.

2. Peanut Butter 

PEANUT BUTTER EVERYTHING! I love peanut butter and have it at least once a day. This bar smells like peanut butter (wonderful) and it tastes like peanut butter (double wonderful); just like eating peanut butter out of the jar, but it's portable and people won't stare at you like you're crazy (it's not crazy to eat PB straight out of the jar, don't worry, I do it all of the time). 

1. Chocolate Sea Salt

The chocolate smell is to die for. This bar is the perfect mixture of chocolate and sea salt. The sea salt adds nice flavor and really brings out the chocolate flavor.

There is also a seasonal pumpkin spice (autumn) bar, however, I have yet to try it. 

YES, non-processed foods CAN be delicious. Now go and try RX Bars for yourself, no BS.