
Rump Wrapps: Are You Buying Them for the Right Reasons?

We've all been there. Mindlessly scrolling through our Facebook newsfeed, trying to skim the enormous amount of unnecessary information. Then you pass by a sponsored advertisement for something so random that you don't even know why it showed up. Once, I skimmed one of these ads just enough to catch the name of the product, "Rump Wrapps." Naturally curious by this strange name, I clicked on the link and was somewhat surprised by what I saw.

Remember when tying a sweatshirt around your waist was cool? Well, Rump Wrapps is bringing it back in a thinner, lightweight fabric specifically designed to cover your butt when tied around your waist. 

I see how this could be useful for some people who want to cover their rear end for whatever reason, and there is definitely a market for this product. I think it is a great idea and there is a time and a place for these Rump Wrapps to be used for a variety of personal reasons, or if you get bad sweat marks or if your leggings are see through.

Unfortunately, the way that the Rump Wrapp was marketed and presented to the consumer (like myself) left a bad taste in my mouth. The advertisement read: "This stylish, easy to wear booty cover up is the perfect workout accessory that allows you to exercise with freedom of movement while keeping gym gawkers at bay." When I first looked at the image I thought it was an interesting product. By the end, however, I was questioning whether or not I needed to cover up every time I walked in the gym.

As someone who is an avid gym goer, it is slightly aggravating that I should feel the need to cover up at the gym because people are "gawking." I know myself and many other women workout in a variety of different clothing, but leggings are by far the most popular. They have a better range of motion than shorts (in my opinion) and, yes, they hug your bottom half rather tightly. This advertisement suddenly made me feel self-conscious, as though I should be covering up at the gym because people could be gawking.

Going to gym is empowering, and every time I go I feel better about myself. Everyone who goes to the gym is working to better themselves to feel strong and powerful. It is disheartening to see a company try to prey on the self-doubts of women who may feel slightly insecure, to sell a product.

"Keeping gym gawkers at bay" is not my intention when working out; my goal is to get a great workout, sweat it out, and feel good. Exercise is one of the few things that people do for themselves, and to have to worry about other people during that time is not my idea of a productive workout. 

When looking at their Instagram account, Rump Wrapps shows such a supportive community; their posts include images of body transformations and workout inspo. So it is surprising that they chose to market the product in this way. Nearly everything that they post empowers women to be their best selves, so this advertisement seems to contradict their beliefs. 

In today's world, it is hard enough to go through the day without comparing yourself to others and constantly criticizing yourself. The marketing of Rump Wrapps encourages this type of culture. Their motto is "Respect the Rump," but is making women feel that the way to earn that respect is by covering up their rump so "gawkers" won't look at them necessarily fair? Isn't there some disrespect on the side of the gawker for looking in the first place? Not to mention the objectification of women in general also playing a role in this ideology. 

Clearly, there is more to this issue than the marketing of Rump Wrapps. There is a culture shift that must occur so that women feel less objectified and less self-conscious. This advertisement just brought to light an issue that women constantly face. Everyone has their own comfort levels; whether you want to cover up or not, you should feel empowered by your decision and not feel that it is dictated by others who may or may not staring at you while you exercise. You do you.