
Ruby Chocolate is Hitting the Market and You Don't Want To Miss Out

Ruby Chocolate is here.

Prior to the 14th century, the ancient Mesoamericans held a monopoly over the cocoa bean trade. They relied on cocoa beans for an invigorating drink, mood enhancer and the beans were even regarded as sacred. They grew, traded, and consumed cocoa beans. These ancient cultures even understood how to create, what they referred to as "the food of the gods": chocolate.

Soon enough, the Spanish invaded and returned with from their conquests with chocolate as their prize, instead of the gold they initially sought after. When chocolate made its debut with the Eastern Europeans, it became immediately valuable. As only the most powerful aristocrats could get their hands on it, the luxury of chocolate spread throughout Europe like wild fire.

Later on, imperialism began to power the production of chocolate and new inventions made production more feasible. With increased demand, came increased creativity and in 1847 in England the first solid dark chocolate bar was created. Later in 1875, Daniel Peter, with Henry Nestle's help, created today's beloved milk chocolate.

But, there was a problem. There was a ton of leftover cocoa butter and the companies had no idea what to do with it. So, then white chocolate was created and began selling in the 1930's.

Today's chocolate innovators haven't stopped looking for the latest and greatest variation of the world's favorite sweet. Luckily, for us they've found it.

As of September 5th of this year, a new type of chocolate was invented. That's right, just when chocolate lovers thought that they had seen it all, a pink chocolate flavor is taking the industry by storm. Here's see what this Ruby chocolate is all about.

What's it made of?

Instead of being a shade of brown or even white, this chocolate exhibits a distinct pink color, catching our eyes like a matcha latte at a hipster café. This unique hue is due to the main ingredient: the Ruby Cocoa Bean.

Not only does Ruby chocolate look different, this exotic chocolate bar provides a different taste and color, along with some of the chocolate properties we all know and love.

What's it taste like?

This new chocolate tastes neither milky, sweet, nor bitter. The pink color accompanies a smooth fruitiness never tasted before in the chocolate world.

I first thought to myself, this pink shade must be dyed or artificially produced, but the berry flavor is provided by only the cocoa beans. Nothing else.

Who made it?

Making its first official debut this year in Shanghai, this attractive and Instagramable chocolate is the work of the swiss chocolatier Barry Callebaut.

After years of testing with Jacobs University and no added berry flavor, this brightly colored treat hit the market as fourth and newest type of chocolate. Ruby Chocolate's pink color makes it a extremely marketable to millennials, who love to consume and document new foods.

When can I get some?

It's sad to say that Barry Callebaut is a chocolatier, not a chocolate seller. This means that they only sell their chocolate to particular companies, instead of drooling people like us.

This means that it might take a little over six months before this pink-hued chocolate hits stores for consumers to purchase.

So, after 80 years of only three versions of the world's best food (in my opinion), a Swiss chocolate company finally creates another. When Ruby Chocolate hits stores, the chocolate market will blow up, and you definitely don't want to miss out on this.