
Rethink Your Childhood Snacks with these Vegan Alternatives

Ever since going (mostly) vegan, a lot of the snacks I ate as a kid I no longer can have; so I've been getting creative in finding fun alternatives that remind me of my favorite childhood treats! Below are just a few of the products I’ve found and enjoyed, which can hopefully give you some inspiration if you decided to go on your own plant-based journey! 

Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches: PB&J Packs

While PB&J’s are still a wonderful vegan snack, there’s a few fun ways to mix it up for a more ‘adult’ snack. If you’re on the go and want the same yummy flavor but without the bread, try Split nutrition’s nut butter and jam packets for an instant boost. Squeeze and go! You can also make a ~classy~ PB&J using natural peanut butter (I love Teddy’s) and homemade jam on toasted homemade sourdough or rye bread.

Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches: Creative Combos

If you do want the bread, spice up your version of PB&J by mixing up the bread, nut butters, jams, and additional toppings. One of my favorites is almond butter on whole wheat bread with thinly sliced apples and Good Good’s vegan Apricot Jam. Yum!

Yogurt Cups: Go Dairy Free

When I was younger I loved Yoplaits yogurt cups (do you remember the key lime pie flavor? And the whipped versions??) and Okio’s Greek yogurt, but since I realized I‘m lactose intolerant and how bad the dairy industry is I’ve been searching for delicious vegan alternatives. For a Yoplait alternative, I love Foragers cashew milk yogurt and for a more thick, Greek style The Collaborative is amazing option. If you want a full review of The Collaborative's products check out this article. 

Candy: ONE’s Plant-Based Protein Bars

These protein bars have the same great taste as all your favorite desserts, everything from S’mores to Peanut Butter Chocolate Cookie, Churro and Pumpkin Pie, and more! ONE's PLANT bars are vegan and full of protein to give you a boost throughout the day. If you're not vegan, you can try their whey-packed protein bars! 

Flavored Chips: Beanfields Vegan Cracklins

While many flavored chips can be vegan, I recently tried Beanfields’ Cracklin’s and was impressed with how good all their vegan flavors tasted. While I think the purpose of the chip is to replace ‘cracklins’ or fried pork rinds, the chips taste a lot more like a mix of Fritos and either popcorn or pirates booty (which is much better in my opinion).  The aged white cheddar reminded me of pirates booty and both the Nacho and Ranch flavors reminded me of Doritos. I thought the barbecue tasted like Lays mesquite barbecue chips, which I haven’t had in ages. Yum! 

Jerky: KRAVE’s Plant-Based Jerky

Jerky was one of those things my family would bring on hiking trips and honestly I cannot taste the difference between  KRAVE’s plant based Jerky and the jerky I used to have at home. The jerky is made from pea-protein and is seasoned well with the same chewy texture as traditional jerky

Mini Chocolate Chip Cookies: Lenny and Larry’s Crunchy Cookie Packs

Reminiscent of Keebler’s chocolate chip minis, these crunchy cookies are a great munchy to dip into tea or hot chocolate when you’re heavy in a study session and need some extra motivation. Lenny & Larry’s Cookies also have a bunch of protein and they’re all vegan!

Chicken Nuggets: “Chik’n” Nuggets 

There’s a lot of different options for vegetarian or vegan chicken alternatives, from Gardein to Morningstar to Alpha Foods and more. While I don’t miss chicken, I do sometimes miss the nice breaded warmth and flavor chicken nuggets used to bring, and have found that craving to be completely satisfied by the breaded tofu “chick'n” nuggets offered by various brands. 

I hope this post gave you some inspiration for ways to replace your favorite childhood snacks with vegan alternatives! I have tried all of these products featured about (many were sent as samples from the various brands which I’m very thankful to have tried) and enjoyed all of them. What are some of your favorite vegan products that you’ve found?