
Random Acts of Kindness: Food Edition!

Do you like the little things? Do you like receiving gifts out of the ordinary? If you do, this is the perfect week to give back to other people! The week of February 16th is random acts of kindness week, so if you do not have plans on Valentine’s Day this year, I have the perfect way for you to spend your day!

There are many fun and non-time consuming ways to give back throughout the week. Giving back could be as simple as paying it forward, by paying for the person behind you in Starbucks, or buying someone you see on the street a meal. 

If you do not have a lot of money, shout out to my fellow college students, there are so many cheap acts of kindness! Most pharmacies and stores stock up on various candies and Valentine’s Day Valentine packs, and after the holiday, all things related to the holiday will go on sale. A pack of valentines usually comes with around 25 cards and candies, so there you go- twenty-five more people to be kind too :) Just think about it, how would you feel if someone came up to with a little card with a cute note on it!

For foodies and crafty people, think about putting together a few little gift bags. Gift bags are great, as you could customize them for people you want to give them too, and put whatever you have/ want in them! If you live in a dorm, an easy dessert to put in the gift bag is chocolate covered pretzels. All you need is chocolate and pretzels! To make them, melt the chocolate and then dip the pretzels in it and let them freeze- yes it is that simple! Fill the bag with other little candies of your choice, a little card with a fun message and maybe even some wrapping paper to make the goodie bag look colorful.

Another easy treat you could make to give out to your loved ones are various types of cookies! Cookies are great to make because you could customize them to your audience. When I make cookies, I usually use with their "triple chocolate chip cookies" recipe. If you are not the chocolate type, or someone you are making them for has an allergy, you can always search recipes excluding those ingredients on that website! Make them in bulk for this holiday. Everyone will want them! 

If you really want to watch the wallet, being kind costs no money. Throughout the week, try to make more of an effort to say hi to the people you pass on the street. Go out of your way to have lunch with people you have never spoken to. Give yourself that extra hour to do what you love. And remember that spreading kindness will make you a happier person- maybe eat some of those chocolate covered pretzels too- it will make you even happier :) 

If you really want to watch the wallet, being kind costs no money. Throughout the week, try to make more of an effort to say hi to the people you pass on the street. Go out of your way to have lunch with people you have never spoken to. Give yourself that extra hour to do what you love. And remember that spreading kindness will make you a happier person- maybe eat some of those chocolate covered pretzels too- it will make you even happier :)