
The Worst Things You Can Do at Pressed Juicery, According to an Employee

Yes, juices are still in. Pressed Juicery, established in 2010, is a wonderland for those who love their healthful cold-pressed pick-me-ups. The juice trend isn’t unique to Pressed, but what is special (and delicious) to the company is their freeze. Comprised of simple ingredients with an almond, coconut meat or date base, this low-calorie frozen treat is nutrient-packed and worth the purchase. 

While quality of Pressed products is no secret, this doesn’t guarantee quality customers. One of my best friends spent her summer working at Pressed and had lots to share with me about her experience with shoppers. Because I worked at the same mall as her and frequently visited Pressed during her work hours, I was a personal witness to the poor customer behaviors that she had pointed out. If you’re tryna be a good customer, avoid the following.  

Be the sampler, not the buyer.

Hey, we’ve all been there. Samples are great, samples are free— samples are great because they’re free. But if you’re holding up the line and have no intention of buying anything, consider waiting outside for your friends.

Assume the employees know everything.

Working at a juicery doesn’t guarantee you know every single health benefit, side effect, or nutrition data of each ingredient. They are employees, not doctors. Calm down with the questioning.

Quiz the employees.

Based off of the previous note, understand that yes, the employees are knowledgeable about the products, but they cannot be expected to answer your nitty-gritty questions all day.

Quizzing the employees about stuff you already know the answer to just ‘cause is not worthy of anyone’s time. I’m looking at you, the guy who inquired, “what is turmeric for?” just to flaunt your spice knowledge. Btdubs it’s for anti-inflammatory purposes.

Doubt the employees.

Even though the vanilla freeze has a light brown tint to it, trust that when you ask for a vanilla sample you are, in fact, getting vanilla. Not chocolate.

Rush the process.

Pressed has an awesome loyalty program. You give your number, buy some juices, get one free for every 100 points (point per dollar)—it’s a rewarding system.

However, when the employee has your purchases ready to start ringing up, don’t feel the need to shout out your phone number before they even begin pressing the computer screen. Patience is a virtue.

Come unprepared.

Waiting in a long line on a hot day is the perfect time to decide what you’re going to buy. Save the socializing for after and avoid getting caught in a crowded store with no idea what to order as soon as your turn comes along.

Beat the clock.

Coming in at 8:55 is technically before closing, but if you’re gonna get a 3-day cleanse and spend a century picking out your flavors, try to be courteous to the employees and schedule ahead. 

A classy company like Pressed deserves classy customers, and, at the end of an eight hour shift, no employee wants to deal with rude requests or slow ordering during a busy time.

If you've worked in the food or service industry before, I'm sure some of these resonate with you, and you'll agree that the customer is not always right. Next time you go to Pressed, keep this little list in mind.