In case you needed more reasons to get drunk this weekend, the United States government just approved of powdered alcohol, a product brought to you by the brand, Palcohol. They have created a line of 7 different flavors of powdered alcohol that will be available for public consumption in Fall 2014, including: margarita, lemon drop, cosmopolitan, rum, kamikaze and vodka.

Photo by Daniel Schuleman
Gone are the days of paying for overpriced drinks at concerts, or lugging around heavy bottles or cases of beer. This small, lightweight packet is so convenient you could bring it nearly anywhere. By mixing this packet of Palcohol with water, alcoholic drink combinations are endless. Not much research has been done on this product yet, but I’m sure you could try mixing it with sodas and juices to make even more flavorful cocktails.

Photo courtesty of
Ok, contain your excitement. I’ve only addressed what mixing Palcohol would be like if mixed with drinks. But what if you want to sprinkle Palcohol on that pulled pork sandwich? Chocolate cake? The Palcohol website recommends a few flavor combinations, including mixing the kamikaze flavor with guacamole or sprinkling the rum flavor on a barbeque sandwich. Opportunities are endless!

Photo by Justin Shainn
Beyond the initial benefits of turning a liquid into a powder, there are also a few health concerns. Palcohol also addresses that yes, you can snort their powdered alcohol, but it would be incredibly unsafe. Not to mention, it may be easier for people to have too much of this powder if not consumed responsibly. If you decide to buy in on this product in the Fall, make sure to use it with caution.
Until this product gets released in the Fall, hold tight and check out these other drink ideas: