
Post-Thanksgiving Tips You Need to Know

Thanksgiving Day is upon us. We are watching the parade and holiday specials on TV. We’re setting the table and preparing for friends and family, even if they are only attending virtually. The anticipation builds up to the ultimate feast. After all is said and done, we are left in a food coma with a mess of dishes and loads of leftovers. Don't get overwhelmed. These Thanksgiving Tips will help you deal with the aftermath. 

Make room in your fridge.

There will be a lot of food and you are going to need somewhere to store any leftovers. Clean out anything expired or unnecessary. Check if anything can be transferred into a smaller container. Try to maximize your space, so that you're not scrambling to squeeze the turkey and side dishes in there later.

Have containers ready.

Make sure your Tupperware is organized and easily accessible. Whether it's for yourself or for guests to bring home, make the food clean up fast and as painless as possible. 

Line your trash can and recycling bins with extra bags.

The day will bring a lot of garbage. Don’t stress when the garbage fills up. Be prepared with several bags in the bins throughout the day.

Set up a soaking station.

Face your dishes head on and don’t let the pile of dirty dishes discourage you. Fill a tub with warm water and dish soap and deposit any used dishes, utensils, or cookware to help remove any tough food and make the washing process a lot easier. Your arms will thank you later.

Drink lots of water. 

Stay hydrated. Some of our favorite Thanksgiving food contains a lot of sodium, which can dehydrate you and cause water retention and bloating, so drinking more water will help combat that.

Pace yourself.

Our eyes are sometimes bigger than our stomachs. We will probably be a little eager to dig into the delicious food, but we have to remember to pace ourselves. Try eating slowly to avoid overeating and upset stomachs.

Avoid heartburn and stomachaches with some light activity.

No one wants to experience any discomfort after a wonderful meal. It may be tempting to melt into the couch, but that isn't great for your digestion. Many suggest taking a short walk or even just standing to do the dishes to help settle your stomach. Remember, you need to be in prime condition for some Black Friday shopping. 

Brainstorm ideas for leftover food. 

No one wants the gravy and stuffing to sit in the fridge indefinitely, but you may also get a little bored eating the same exact meals all day every day until it’s gone. You have all of this food ready, why not mix it up and experiment a little? Check out this article for inspiration for your post-Thanksgiving meals. Personally, I can’t wait to try out Ross Gellar’s infamous Thanksgiving sandwich.

Holidays can be stressful and difficult with all of the preparing, entertaining, and cleaning. We can find simple ways to make the day easier to manage. If some of these Thanksgiving tips and tricks helped keep you sane during this holiday season then...