
Why Post-Gaming Should Be A Thing

Ah, the weekend. Regardless of where you live, all nights out pretty much start the same. You pick out your swaggie outfit and then spend way too much time getting ready considering the fact that once you get your drank on, you literally look like a pile of sh*t.

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Let’s be honest here, does anyone even like pre-gaming? That first taste of cheap alcohol on your lips is enough to make your toes cringe. Sure, once you get a few shots down it becomes considerably more enjoyable, but why let pre-gaming steal the show?

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Okay, so picture this. You pre-gamed, you went to the bar/house party/apartment/whatever else you do with your life, and now you’re ready to head back to your humble abode and pass TF out in your bed. However, you should put a temporary raincheck on your bedtime and rally for the often neglected third phase of the night. Here’s what you gotta do.

1. Locate your friends.

Finding your people is probably the most challenging part. Hopefully they’re all still alive and functioning.

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2. Get together some snacks.

Snacks are a vital part of the post-game. What better time to bond than when you’re all collaboratively shoveling food down your throats? Pizza is ideal, sandwiches are a close second, but if you’re ballin’ on a budget, ramen will also get the job done.

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3. Poor yourself another drink.

Don’t be a quitter. Unless, of course, you are already balls to the wall. Talk about #responsibility.

4. Recap the night while you keep the party going.

Okay, you may be extraordinarily tired & regret it in the morning, but in the moment, with all your friends, snacks, and drinks, it is pure bliss.

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After all, if you wake up the next day with no regrets, you’re doing it wrong.

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Still not drunk enough? Maybe these can help: