
POPSUGAR and Spice Will Make Your Body Nice

With Spring Break around the corner and Summer '18 approaching, I have been trying to work out as much as possible. I became tired of the same old sit up, squat, crunch routine, so I went on a search for something new. Recently, I came across POPSUGAR Fitness on YouTube. POPSUGAR Fitness first began it's Youtube channel in 2010. Since then, the channel has flourished and gained 1,900,000+ subscribers.

POPSUGAR Fitness creates fitness tutorials and workouts that will assist you in your transition to healthy eating, relieving stress, and having consistent workout routines. POPSUGAR's workout videos are exciting and will definitely get you up and on  your feet.  Here are a few of my favorite instructors.

Anna Renderer

Anna is the face of POPSUGAR fitness. She participates in majority of the workout videos on POPSUGAR Fitness. No matter how rigorous the exercise, she always has a smile on her face. Anna also hosts her own videos where she gives exercise tutorials. She breaks down each exercise so that it is easy to understand and mimic. She also hosts a lot of the workouts that require no equipment.  Exercise equipment can be expensive and, being a college student on a budget, "no equipment" workouts are perfect.

JJ Dancer

Jennifer Johnson, also known as JJ Dancer, is definitely Top 3 in my favorite POPSUGAR Fitness instructors list. She is a dancer, celebrity fitness trainer, and a vegan. JJ takes the easiest dance moves and turns them into a fat burning cardio workout. My favorite video of hers is Flat-Belly and Tight-Booty Cardio Dance Workout. She uses popular dances such as twerking and the cha-cha to get your adrenaline pumping. While doing JJ's dance routines, I forgot I was working out. It just seemed as though I was having a great time dancing. The routines are always exciting and energetic and you will definitely feel the burn when you are done. If you enjoy dancing, JJ's workouts are perfect for you.

Jeanette Jenkins

Last, but least, Jeannette Jenkins is one of my favorite instructors on POPSUGAR Fitness. Jeannette is also a celebrity trainer. She has trained people such as Alicia Keys, Pink, etc. Jeannette's workouts are a little advanced but they will definitely get the job done. There are always modifications to each exercise in order to benefit all viewers. Jeannette tends to focus on losing calories. Her workouts always have a targeted goal and by the end of each you know that you have lost a decent amount of calories. Jeannette will work you to the core and you will enjoy it. When I want to step up my usual workout, her videos are where I go.

POPSUGAR Fitness has a plethora of great instructors other than the ones I mentioned today. The videos are always short and can fit into your everyday life. POPSUGAR Fitness is an excellent resource for fitness and you should give it a try