
5 Sweet and Savory Popcorn Recipes

Popcorn is hands down one of my favorite foods. Last year, my roommate, Tori, introduced me to this incredible thing called the Whirly Pop which is used to make popcorn on the stove in the comfort of your own home. When you eat popcorn as much as we do, it’s nice knowing that you’re not consuming all of the same chemicals found in the microwave version. The Whirly Pop pops the popcorn, and then we add the toppings. Here, you’ll find five of my favorite popcorn recipes that can be created in just minutes and are sure to please.

And, if you don’t want to make the popcorn at home, feel free to buy plain popped popcorn at your local grocery store, or plain (no butter, no salt) microwave popcorn.

Caramel & Marshmallow Popcorn

A sticky, sweet recipe that is guaranteed to make your mouth water (and give you a little sugar buzz).

8-10 cups popped popcorn
¼ cup butter
½ cup brown sugar
8-10 large marshmallows
½ teaspoon vanilla

1. Over medium heat, combine butter, brown sugar, large marshmallows and vanilla in a small sauce pan.
2. Mix constantly until the mixture is smooth and creamy. Make sure not to overcook it, otherwise you’ll end up with an over-caramelized mess.
3. Pour the caramel mixture over popped popcorn and toss to combine.

Garlic & Herb Popcorn

I tell myself that this is like garlic bread but with less calories.

8-10 cups popped popcorn
2-3 tablespoons melted butter
½ teaspoons salt
½ teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon mixed herbs (I used basil and oregano, but feel free to mix in fresh parsley or dried Italian seasoning)

In a large bowl or ziploc bag, combine popped popcorn, butter, salt, garlic powder and herbs and toss to combine. If desired, add less or more garlic and herbs depending on how you like it.

Cinna-Sugar Popcorn

My obsession with cinna-sugar combined with my obsession with popcorn.  Bliss.

8-10 cups popped popcorn
2-3 tablespoons melted butter
1 teaspoon cinnamon
2 tablespoons sugar

1. In a small bowl, combine melted butter, cinnamon, and sugar.
2. Pour the entire mixture over popped popcorn and toss to combine.

Spicy Pepper Flake POPcorn

For when you feel like heating things up in the kitchen…

8-10 cups popped popcorn
2-3 tablespoons melted butter
½ teaspoon paprika
1 teaspoon red pepper flakes

In a large bowl or Ziploc bag, combine popped popcorn, melted butter, paprika and red pepper flakes and toss to combine. If you like it extra spicy, add a little more red pepper flakes. Paprika gives the popcorn a little bit more of a smokey flavor so if you like it extra smokey, toss in an extra half teaspoon of paprika.

Puppy Chow Popcorn

Because why not just coat everything in chocolate and powdered sugar?

8-10 cups popped popcorn
½ cup chocolate chips
2 tablespoons butter
¼-½ cup powdered sugar


1. In a microwave-safe cup, combine chocolate chips and butter and microwave for 30 seconds, then stir. If it’s not melted all the way, put it back in the microwave for increments of 10 seconds until the chocolate and butter mixture is smooth and creamy.
2. In a large bowl or Ziploc bag, pour the chocolate mixture over the popped popcorn and toss to combine. Then toss in the powdered sugar and toss until the sugar has coated the chocolate covered popcorn. Proceed to chow down.