
Everything We Saw the Obamas Eat in the White House

With a lot of talk about Obama leaving office and Trump coming in, there has been tension among political parties. In an attempt to lighten the overall "mood" of the situation and being the curious foodie I am, I've investigated what Obama and his family ate in their time at the White House. I found out that the Obama family sure didn't skimp on good eats (both healthy and not-so-healthy) in their eight years in Washington. 

Chips and Guac

Whether it be in front of the TV of behind the desk in the Oval Office, this family likes to snack on delicious Mexican snacks like nachos and homemade guacamole. 


When you have your own residential White House bee keeper tending to bees and dishing out fresh honey every day, it's hard not to have it with every meal. Honey is natural and healthy, and can actually help you combat seasonal allergies.

Fresh Veggies

You may very well be aware about Michelle Obama's prized garden. She encourages not just kids and families across America to eat healthy and eat local vegetables, but her own family as well. Her and Barack changed American Food Policy forever, by encouraging healthier eating and banning a lot of bad chemicals and fats. 

Chili Half-Smoke

Barack's favorite #cheatdayeats can be found at Ben's Chili Bowl in Washington D.C. It's in fact so well-known that he frequents there that it's become almost a monument in the city, with a wall mural of Barack himself. Putting a healthy spin on chili, the Obama's have a great homemade Turkey Chili recipe to make at home. 

Chocolate Covered Macadamia Nuts

There are always raw nuts around for Obama to keep his energy levels high, but sometimes a little twist on the common healthy snack is necessary. A common treat in Hawaii, Obama likes to get back to his roots with this sweet snack. They were a staple around the White House, and could be found in bowls in a number of the rooms. 


For times where Obama wants to be a little healthier than chocolate covered nuts, he keeps a bowl of apples in the center of the Oval Office for himself and guests to enjoy. He definitely knows the reasons we should all be eating more apples. 


One of Obama's favorite burger joints is Ray's Hell Burger, in Arlington, VA. He's even brought esteemed foreign guests with him to join in on the deliciousness. Simple, down-home places seem to be a guilty pleasure for Barack.


Aside from Chili, this is Obama's favorite food. It may seem basic, but hey, there is nothing like a good pizza. Pi Pizzeria is his go-to, where they serve up deep dish, gourmet, mouthwatering pies. If this is making your stomach growl, don't forget you don't need to go out to get the good stuff. You can make pizza yourself at home in a pinch.


When the family needs a break from all of the the Chili, Burgers, and Pizza, a healthy meal they like to have at dinner is Salmon and Broccoli.

The Obama's are all about healthy food and locally grown products. While they do indulge like the rest of us, it's humbling to know that you're probably having the same thing for snacks and dinner at your house as the first family.