You’ve finished leg day, already snapchatted everyone your #gains, and you’re looking for a post-workout snack. You’re craving a Cogro bagel but decide to grab a nutrition bar from Grocery Checkout instead. But with a shelf-full of choices, how do you choose just one?
We checked out all the nutrition bars at Grocery Checkout (pun intended) and determined which ones are best depending on what you’re looking for:
Cliff Bar

Photo by Natalie Burns-Holland
Energy Bar
Protein: 10g
If you’re mowing down on Cliff Bars on the reg, you may want to reconsider. High in calories, sugar, and added sweeteners, Cliff Bars are geared more towards active people (they use a mountain climber on their packaging for a reason) who want a quick burst of fast-burning energy. Only choose these bars if you’re able to burn off all the sugar.
Verdict: You may as well eat a cookie.

Photo by Natalie Burns-Holland
Fruit and Nut Energy Bar
Protein: 5g
With an ingredients list much less daunting than Cliff Bars, Lärabars make for the perfect snack between classes. With no added sweeteners, most bars use at max 5 ingredients. Although they’re high in sugar, it comes from a natural source: dates. Plus, their high fibre content ensures that the energy will last.
Verdict: Ingredients you can pronounce = 10/10 score.
Qi’a Bar

Photo by Natalie Burns-Holland
Superfood Bar
Protein: 5g
Another gem you can find at Grocery Checkout. Packed with omega-3 fatty-acids and superfoods like chia seeds, hemp seeds, cranberries, cocao powder, and almonds, Qi’a bars will give you an energy boost without any added sweeteners. Bonus: the superfoods are great for brain power.
Verdict: The ideal study snack for a day spent at Club Stauff.
Love Crunch Bar

Photo by Natalie Burns-Holland
Nut Bar
Protein: 6g
One of the most popular brands of granola in bar form. They’re low in sugar and have no artificial flavouring, which makes Love Crunch bars an ideal, guilt-free, grab-and-go breakfast or midday snack.
Verdict: Your go-to basic bitch nut bar.
Feast+ Bar

Photo by Natalie Burns-Holland
Nut Bar
Protein: 4g
Feast+ bars are super similar to Love Crunch bars — but less awesome. Although still made with natural ingredients, they’re a tad higher in sugar and trans fat, and lower in fibre and protein. But if taste is your main concern, these bars definitely taste “less healthy” (aka yummier) than Love Crunch bars. But if a basic, nutritious bar’s what you’re in the market for, stick with Love Crunch.
Verdict: A Love-Crunch wannabe.
Builder’s Protein Bar

Photo by Natalie Burns-Holland
Protein Bar
Protein: 20g
One of the most popular protein bars at Grocery Checkout, but for a terrible reason. Builder’s bars are freakishly high in sugar and obscure chemical ingredients. There are far better and less artificial ways to replenish yourself post-workout, like sticking to natural energy sources. This barely edible protein bar should really only be eaten in a lab.
Verdict: Chemical sludge in chocolate bar form.
Daryl’s Protein Bar

Photo by Natalie Burns-Holland
Protein Bar
Protein: 22g
For those who still want a protein bar without all the sludge, Grocery Checkout offers an ideal alternative. Daryl’s Protein Bars are made with 100% natural ingredients, have far less sugar, and even have a higher protein and fibre content than Builder’s. They take out all the artificial junk and replace it with natural superfoods and complex carbohydrates.
Verdict: Ideal for those wanting muscle and a non-toxic snack.
Taste of Nature Bar

Photo by Natalie Burns-Holland
Protein Snack Bar
Protein: 10g
The somewhat, kind-of, almost-but-not-quite protein bar, Taste of Nature bars have a much smaller protein content than the other protein bars, but more than regular granola bars. They may not be as fulfilling after a high-intesinty workout, but they’re perfect after a light workout or when you need an extra protein kick.
Verdict: For those with protein bar commitment issues.
Honourable Mention: Awake Bar

Photo by Natalie Burns-Holland
Caffeinated Chocolate Bar
By no means a nutrition bar, the Awake bar deserves to be mentioned. Combining two of the best things in life, caffeine and chocolate, Awake chocolate bars are the #treatyoself replacement for your daily coffee. Or you could have it in addition to your coffee — we won’t judge.
The Verdict: We know you’re definitely having it in addition to your coffee.