
News Bites 11/6 – 11/13

Just as soon as we started to think trans fats were actually a thing of the past, they’re not. The FDA recently announced a proposal to deny trans fats the status of GRAS (generally recognized as safe). What this means is that the currently tolerated maximum of 0.5 grams of trans fat per serving will no longer be permitted to be labeled as having “zero trans fats.” Basically there are still food manufacturers using trans fats in their foods, and are exempt form having to label them as such. Hopefully, this initiative by the FDA would discourage any trans fat usage at all. Let’s keep our fingers crossed.

Photo by Salute

In an unforeseen move by Lays, the company will be releasing a new flavor of potato chip this month, primarily marketed towards millennial women, Business Week says. The new potato chip flavor is original wavy chips dipped entirely in milk chocolate, which although an unoriginal ideas has been an untapped market until now by the corporation. Also an apparently untapped market: chocolate and potato chip loving millennial women? Didn’t realize we were the only ones with a weakness for grease and salt and sugar.

Photo by The Examiner

Upon discovering Vanity Fair’s snob dictionary, jokes on the snobbery of film, music and (most importantly) food, have reached unprecedented levels of funny. The most recent one is a seasonally appropriate commentary on “Heritage Turkey” — the heirloom tomato of turkeys. The video is about the rise of the “heritage” turkey in the face of an onslaught of white, generic butterballs. A true feat of good intentions turned pretentious.

Photo by Eater

In another absurd move by society and television, Friday was the season finale for the new apparently revolutionary show, Master Chef Junior. The winner was 13 year-old Alexander Weiss, beating the other semi-finalist Dara Yu in the competition for $100,000, a trophy, actual praise and kindness from Gordon Ramsey, and well, the knowledge that as a child you cook better than 99% of America. Remember that show “So You Think You’re Smarter Than a Fifth Grader”? Yeah well, this show is like that except even more humiliating because these kids can actually use a chef’s knife and know how to turn on a stove. Maybe we’ll actually have an inspiring show on television for the first time in never.

Photo by Zap 2 It

The debate of females in the workplace rages on, and will until it doesn’t. The latest spark to ignite the flames was the Time’s release of their latest issue in Europe, Asia and Africa, which featured chefs David Chang, Rene Redzepi and Alex Atala behind the issue’s title: The Gods of Food. (Naturally, the same issue of the Times in America features Chris Christie with the title “The Elephant in the Room.”) Only one female chef was listed amongst the men and consequentially this has presented somewhat of an issue for a those of us who like to believe gender equality can actually be a reality.

Photo by The Daily Meal