
There Are 13 New Food Emojis, But Somehow There Still Isn't a Bagel

If the current 1,851 emojis are just not enough for you, luckily, Unicode Consortium will be releasing 56 new ones. And the best news — there will be new food emojis!

Food emojis are undeniably the best emojis, but currently there are some fatal holes in the offerings provided. Thankfully, the 13 new food emojis will help us get our message across more quickly. This is truly a TG moment (even if there still are no bagel or cupcake emojis).

It's still unconfirmed when exactly these emojis will be available, but according to Refinery29, they could be here as soon as July. Here are all the new food emojis coming soon that you're gonna want to send to your group chat.


Coconut oil is currently trendy af, so it's no surprise you can now document your new health obsession.


If you wanna throw it back to the DRAM classic, "Broccoli," toss out one of these emojis. 

Soft Pretzel

Channel your inner NYC tourist and whip out this soft pretzel emoji. No honey mustard included, sadly. 

Raw Meat

TBH, I don't understand why one needs an emoji of a raw steak filet. Is this like a subtle shade to tell people they're dead meat? I'm too old for this shit. 


The details in the tomatoes are key — I'll probably pretend this is my favorite, a BLT. I'm low-key getting hungry just looking at it. 

Bowl of Cereal with a Spoon

I will send this when anyone asks me what's for dinner. Low-key embarrassed about this, but cereal is a quality meal (maybe more for breakfast though...). 

Tomato Soup Can

It ain't Campbells, but it's still a cute emoji. Channel your inner Andy Warhol and show off your artsy side with a tomato soup can emoji.  


Craving Dim Sum? Let everyone know with this classic dumpling emoji. 

Fortune Cookie

Whatever you do, please do not add "in bed" to the end of this emoji. I can't take another one of these jokes.

Chinese Take-Out

Almost as classic as some 2 am pizza, Chinese take-out is the perfect drunk eat. Can I just send this emoji to get an order to my delivery guy?


If you're feeling 'Merica this Fourth of July, feel free to wish this emoji came out sooner. The steam coming from the pie is honestly an amazing touch. 

Soda Cup

I sure hope that emoji this comes with free refills


Even if you don't know how to use 'em, the chopsticks emoji will make you seem cultured af. 

Honestly, though I am excited about these new food emojis, there are some many more that need to be done. I need something to express my love for rosé, need for a lobster roll, and general obsession with chicken nuggets. Like c'mon, there needs to be more new food emojis. But at least we're getting closer to full on feast mode.