
Myth Buster: For Real, For Real, Is Spirulina Healthy?

The hot subject for today's discussion is Spirulina, a fad that has risen to the top feed of health blogs and front pages of wellness magazines. People simply can't get enough of it. This bad boy became popular overnight and is sweeping the nation. Now it's everywhere from our morning smoothies to our face masks. It's sort of weird looking, and the amount of protein it contains is unreal. So I decided to figure out what's so great about it. 

For real, for real, is it as healthy as people say it is? Or is it just another pretty food trend? 

I need proof.

We've all been guilty of following the latest trend without questioning its purpose or validity. Why do we do this? Humans are habitual creatures who seek the best and most convenient option. It’s who we are *shrugs*, and I am guilty of this quite often, especially when it pertains to my health. If only we could wish the pounds away! In cases like these — mixing algae in a smoothie bowl — I need proof that it works first.

What is Spirulina?

Quick break for a shameless SHOUT OUT to my best frannnn: feistyfeliz for the picture. You are a life saver.

Spirulina is a blue-green algae that provides an abundance of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and more. It’s a “functional food with multivitamin-like properties” that improves overall health and prevents mineral deficiencies. This sounds like an all-inclusive deal, right? Right!

The Controversy

Every article you read describes the long list of benefits this powerful supplement has, but what about the side effects?

Though Spirulina is rich in nutrients, there seems to be a lack of evidence proving the positive impact it has on the human anatomy and physiology. Mentioned by the University of Maryland Medical Center, animal and test tube studies suggest this supplement is a superfood that fights and protects cells.

Specifically, it combats infections, allergies and antibiotic illnesses while it builds immune systems, thus known for its healing power. Here's the catch: animal and test tube studies are not human studies. 

Does this mean there are no studies containing human subjects? No, but it does shed light on the importance of knowing how products are tested and whether or not you should consume them.


The disadvantages of Spirulina include negative interactions with medication and the worsening of conditions associated with autoimmune diseases. There is even information claiming that Spirulina contains pseudo-B12, which hinders the body from absorbing real B12.

Based on these assumptions, long-term consumption can cause irritation and future damages to vital organs. I am in no shape or form to say these statements are true or false, but it does lead one to ponder if there is the slightest truth to it. 

To be clear, these are not my findings; I am neither for or against Spirulina, but I want to encourage all readers to do their own research on viral topics especially when it is regarding health.  Following studies that have a scientific backing should provide evidence-based answers relying heavily on data, so always be on your tippy toes, my friends.

Final regards

I leave you with this. The recommendation given to consumers of Spirulina is to PICK THE RIGHT COMMERCIAL BRAND. This can be done with the help of research, so be wise in your choosing. Don't trust the trends, but don't fear the trends either!