
A Meal by Meal Guide to Surviving Bacchanal

Bacchanal is fast approaching, and for many that means a long day of debauchery. Here at Spoon, we’re sick of hearing the all-too-common “didn’t even make it to the headliner” story, so here are some suggestions to help live long, survive, and thrive on the big day!


Photo by Allison Malin

CARBS! This is not the day for a light breakfast of fruit and yoghurt. Bring out the bagels, the waffles, the pancakes! Since you’re already waking up early, take a stroll to Absolute for some Thai tea and a bagel with one of their amazing flavored cream cheeses. Short on time? Stop into Nuss & Wu for a bagel B.E.C. on your way to frat row. The more carbs the better – they’ll give you the energy you need AND help soak up the bad alcohol you and your friends decided wasn’t worth splurging on #Nikolai. TBH, I’d even suggest pasta for dinner the night before, no such thing as too many carbs when you’re trying to turn up, amirite?


Photo by Allison Malin

Don’t. Skip. Lunch. The most common mistake people make on Bacchanal (and basically every festive Columbia event) is getting so caught up in the revelry they forget this super important mid-day meal! When you start drinking at 10 AM you need steady food intake….or you’ll be crashing by 3 and you definitely won’t make it to Rae Sremmurd at 5 o’clock. Take a break and hit up Tom’s for mozz sticks or head down to Mel’s for their AMAZING drunch (I’d suggest the Chocolate Chip Banana Pancakes but a burger is never a bad choice – the Cadillac Burger is bomb). If you don’t want to leave campus you can also hit up one of the food trucks that always populate College Walk during Bacchanal – a little birdy told me this year’s options will be Mister Softee and Waffle’s and Dinges!


Photo courtesy of foodnmorefood on Instagram

Whether you plan to ptfo or stick with the traditional “nap and rally”, dinner is still an important part of the day. I’d suggest following the crowd to Ferris – it’s right there, just a swipe away, and with that new grilled cheese bar, it’s extra appealing. Alternatively, all of MoHi’s lovely restaurants are at your disposal, and let’s be honest, with the post bacchanal crash, Seamless will be looking hella appealing when you want to expand those options. If you’re tryna order in, I suggest diner food – Mario’s Gourmet Deli is cheap and fast – because it’s forever the best drunk food!

Late Night Drunchies

Photo courtesy of jeska.c on Instagram

When you wake up at approximately midnight from that 6pm “nap”, we all know you’ll be hungry again. Hit up Apple Tree for some cheese fries (@Plimpton, you know what’s good) or Seamless for some other forms of drunk-food goodness. Late night choices are slim, I’d suggest Cheesy Pizza – their mozz sticks are bomb and they even have gluten-free pizza for the gluten intolerant crowd. Basically cheese, carbs and grease are your late night friends.

Ta-da! You have (hopefully) survived Bacchanal and now you might even have the energy rally and hit up the Heights after!

Spoon tips for that post-bacchanal hangover: