
McDonald's Released a Collection of Big Mac Merch, and It's Actually Pretty Dope

McDonald's must have grown tired of just being the fast food mogul of the world — why else would they drop a limited edition collection of Big Mac merch?

Partnering with Beams, a Japanese fashion brand, McDonald's recently released a small line of clothing and accessories inspired by none other than the Big Mac. Here's the biggest shock of all: It's actually (seriously) really stylish.

The 2017 Big Mac Line

The collection includes t-shirts, phone cases, baseball hats, and tote bags. Each and every item oozes a quirky hipster aesthetic that I just can't help but love.

Each piece of Big Mac merch features a Big Mac logo, and each item is either red, white, or hamburger print. McDonald's is out here literally creating hamburger print, y'all. This is the 2017 that I've been living for.

How Pricey is it, and Where Can I Buy It?

Priced at about $35 per item, the proceeds from all sales are going to Ronald McDonald House Charities (the fast food's non-profit charity seeking to better the lives and overall health of children).

The line is only available at the online Japanese store Rakuten. If you want a piece for yourself, you better act fast — word is that there's only 300 of each item for sale.

It (Doesn't) Feel Like the First Time

It turns out this also isn't the first time that McDonald's has released a fashion line that was inspired by the Big Mac. In 2015, the chain designed a collection that included thermals, rain coats, rain boots, dog coats, wallpaper, and duvets. Tbh, it looks just as horrible as it sounds.

While no other fast food chain has launched a fashion collection of their own, it seems quite possible that McDonald's latest Big Mac merch could inspire other iconic grab-n-go joints to put out their own. If it's done as well as Mickey D's, we might see the rise of a new trend in the world of fashion and food.