
Why Now is the Perfect Time to Start Making and Working Towards New Goals

You’re probably thinking I’m a little crazy. New Year’s Resolutions are supposed to start in January. It’s the perfect time to make a list of all the things you want to change and make better in reflection of the previous year. Often times, resolutions start off strong and carry through well into February, but then distractions, complications and bumps in the road lead habits to revert back to what they were and morale is lowered to helplessness in starting again.

There’s a tendency we all have to be quick on giving up when things deviate from expectations. The first day a resolution has been broken, fine. The second day in a row, eh. By the third day, we feel like the entire goal is a bust and just like that the resolution is forgotten. Only 8 percent of Americans are successful in reaching their goals and resolutions.

Photo by Wendy Sun

So here we are approaching May. We’ve had a good feel for the year, and we can reflect a little bit into which of our resolutions we’ve been accomplishing or working towards, which resolutions we’ve left neglected, and which we’ve dropped the ball on since, well, the ball dropped.

Whether your resolutions included maintaining a healthier diet, focusing more time spent with the people that make you the happiest or trying to be the best version of yourself every day, now is a perfect time to reevaluate those resolutions and start again, again.

Photo by Lila Seeley

With the semester ending, wherever the summer takes you will bring you to a new beginning of some sort. Maybe you’ll be back home for the summer, or in a new city or even country. And even if you’re staying by school for the summer, the environment is entirely different – the people are different, the stress level is different, and the responsibilities that each day carries are different. Just like the New Year, the beginning of summer is just as good as an excuse to make improvements.

We tend to feel more comfort in starting new habits and starting fresh when the environment we’re in follows suit. Taking the new setting, the new month, and the new season as an opportunity, work towards those goals and strive to make improvements. Because any day after January 1 is not too late to start making changes for the better.

Looking towards self-improvement?