
MatchaBar's Hustle Is Donating Cases of Matcha to Health Care Heroes in NYC

COVID-19; call it the bane of my existence, but it's here to stay for who knows how long. Some states are already reopening, while places like New York are mostly still closed for business. If you have been living underneath a rock during this whole pandemic, then you're aware of the fact that there are millions of health care workers that are on the frontlines of this whole mess. Also, if you haven't been paying attention, then you know that people have been giving back to said health care workers that are currently on the frontlines — this includes MatchaBar's Hustle line. If you're interested in learning more, then you're in the right place.

What's the deal?  

Giving back to the frontline heroes within the health care field is part of a campaign that MatchaBar's Hustle is calling #Hustle4HealthcareHeroes. What the campaign does is that it drops of cases of matcha directly to doctors and nurses whose info we crowdsourced through a nomination system on social media. In one week, 3,000 bottles and cans of matcha were donated. If you can't properly math like me, a case of matcha contains 12 bottles.

In case you didn't know, the company aka MatchaBar Hustle shut down this past Monday and Tuesday to do absolutely nothing else but donate more matcha to health care heroes that are out on the frontlines. More than 20,000 bottles and cans of matcha were donated, which is quite a lot of matcha — even for this matcha lover at hand. But, it doesn't stop there.

What do you mean, Liz?

There's a social media campaign that's happening with MatchaBar's Hustle that's called #PourOneGiveOne. The challenge is now live on Instagram and on TikTok, in case you only have one of the two platforms.... or both. All you have to do is post your best latte pour to Instagram or TikTok, tag @Hustle (IG), or @MatchaBarHustle (Tik Tok), and then, for every video that's successfully tagged, MatchaBar's Hustle will donate a bottle or can of matcha to said frontline heroes. 

It's never a bad day to have matcha since it's relatively versatile. The thing is, not all matcha is created equally. I say that since MatchaBar's Hustle is plant-based matcha energy with no sugar added to it; as if there's a lot of sugar in it, to begin with (which there isn't; please don't take everything so seriously). Now's the perfect time to stop reading this article and to get on pouring your matcha in hopes of giving back to those that are on the frontline. While you're at it, check out MatchaBar's Hustle website and use code POURONE for 20% off your order throughout the month of May.