Green Tea/Passion Tea Lemonade (ICED)

Photo By Ben Rosenstock
Green tea and/or passion tea lemonade are the perfect fit if you’re feeling adventurous or outdoorsy. Most commonly drank at the very start of spring, these bright green and pink, fruity and sugary drinks are perfect for that extra boost of energy or simulated breath of fresh air. Walk the streets of Ann Arbor with one of these in hand and you’ll feel more refreshed than ever. In the mood for iced tea? Click here for some herbal-based recipes.
Pumpkin Spice Latte (HOT)

Photo By Ben Rosenstock
Invest in a warm pumpkin spice latte, a seasonal fall favorite, if you’re feeling homey, lazy or even just extremely comfortable in your baggy sweats. As the summer comes to an end and the leaves begin to turn, this pumpkin-flavored drink will leave you more satisfied than ever with the onset of cooler temperatures. Read this poem honoring the Pumpkin Spice Latte or see how pumpkin spice is taking things too far.
Black Coffee (HOT)

Photo By Ben Rosenstock
If you’re feeling exhausted, stressed or like there aren’t enough hours in the day to tackle all you set out to accomplish, order yourself a plain black coffee to match your mood. With no sugar, milk or flavoring, a hot black coffee screams no distractions, and more importantly, means business. Is coffee a part of your daily diet? Check out how Spoon writers believe coffee changed the world:
Vanilla-Flavored Coffee (ICED)

Photo By Ben Rosenstock
Vanilla-flavored coffee is a go-to, everyday favorite, for no mood in particular. With iced coffee and milk as its base, it provides an ordinary taste loved by all coffee drinkers. However, when vanilla is added, so is sugar, making your coffee much less bitter. A tasty combination of vanilla and caffeine and you’ll be well on your way! Thirsty for vanilla? Read up on this vanilla-based hot chocolate beverage:
Chocolate Chip Frappuccino

Photo By Ben Rosenstock
The chocolate chip frappuccino is for those feeling carefree. With chocolate chips, sweetened whipped cream, mocha drizzle and mocha-flavored sauce, this milkshake-tasting beverage is for the lighthearted and relaxed. Treat yourself with a delicious, coffee-flavored drink, one that is most popular amongst those with a sweet tooth! Are you a chocolate lover? Click here for struggles only chocolate addicts can understand.
Check out the entire Starbucks menu here, including drink, food, and nutritional facts.