
How To Make Your Holiday Season Gluten-Free

It’s that time of year again, the time of pastry and powdered sugar, bread and chocolate. Now while those lucky ones who can imbibe gluten are munching away on the cookies that just keep materializing, us people who are gluten-free are watching on as lemon tarts and croissants stare us down.

Photo courtesy of Shari’s Berries

Being gluten free since high school, I have now spent several holiday seasons attempting to eat away my breakup with gluten with tea and tapioca flour. Last year, I’d had enough. I decided that if everyone else was eating baked goods, I was not going to be the only one left out! I took action. And I now have a few tips, a few hacks if you will and a few brands that will make your gluten free holiday season just as delicious.

First, make your own flour. I promise it’s not that difficult. If you make a big batch before you start baking, you can use it as your own all-purpose flour. There are awesome recipes out there, but my favorite usually has a mixture of rice flours, tapioca starch and xantham gum. Your own flour is substitutable for any recipe that calls for all-purpose flour.

Photo courtesy of A Little Insanity

Next, there are drinks of all kinds that are fermented in grains, not gluten. It might take a little research, but there are several kinds of gluten free beers out there that will liven up your Christmas parties. (For a little fun, see if your guests can tell the difference between the two. Bet you they can’t!)

Photo courtesy of Kegerator

Last little tip, make your own seasonings and rubs. Store-bought rubs are great, but your own seasonings will be just as delicious, plus they’ll be (you-certified) gluten free to suit your tastes. Encourage your in-laws and your guests to do the same! It can be really fun to make your own, and you get to claim rights to the sauce and rub when people compliment your cooking. “Wow [your name here] your chicken is spectacular tonight! Where did you get the seasoning?” Brush off your shoulders and sniff, “Just something I whipped up.” Insert adulation here.

Photo courtesy of Healthy Delicious

I promise that it is indeed possible to have a gluten-free and delicious holiday season! All it takes is a little planning.