
Make a DIY Pore-Cleansing Mask with 2 Ingredients You Already Have

Before I get into the details of this wondrous, pore cleansing, peel-off face mask, I will give a little background on my skincare experience. Ever since I hit puberty my skin has been out of control. My face and I have been on a very wild and bumpy journey together and even after the terrible phase in middle school and high school, I still suffer from the occasional breakout just like most everyone on this planet. 

I have tried an endless amount of skincare products claiming to give me flawless smooth skin, yet even the most expensive ones (I'm looking at you Kate Somerville) have not been able to produce major results

Expensive Doesn't Always = Results 

Finally, after many late nights on Google and scouring skincare blogs, I have found something that actually changes my skin for the better. 

This peel off face mask has just two ingredients which many of you may already have sitting in your cupboards. This combined with the results make it my holy grail skincare weapon. 

At Last. 

My oily skin (that somehow still has dry patches lol) felt like a whole new face after this mask. My skin has never felt better and the effects truly last, even after a couple days. If you are in need of a skin detox, keep on reading.

What you will need:

• 2 teaspoons unflavored gelatin

• 4 teaspoons milk

Optional: 1 teaspoon honey

Prep: Pull hair back with hair tie or headband as to not get the mask on your hair. Before putting on the mask I recommend washing your face and either taking a hot shower or steaming your face with a hot, damp face towel to open up your pores. After steaming pat your face with a dry towel to get the excess moisture

Microwave the milk in 15-second intervals until hot, but not bubbling. Put gelatin into a separate bowl and pour the hot milk over. Stir together until combined and smooth.

Quickly apply the mask to your face avoiding eye area and lips. If the mask gets clumpy or too thick, run the bottom of the bowl under hot water and your mask should go back to a thinner consistency for an easier application.

Wait 30 minutes or until the mask is completely dry then gently peel the mask off starting and the chin and pulling upward toward the scalp. I won't lie, this will be painful but IMO it is worth it (#beautyispain). Follow mask with toner of your choice.

Wait 30 minutes or until the mask is completely dry then gently peel the mask off starting and the chin and pulling upward toward the scalp. I won't lie, this will be painful but IMO it is worth it (#beautyispain). Follow mask with toner of your choice.

Disclaimer: I am not a dermatologist or professional by any means. This is just based on my personal experience and I hope you all find value in it!