
The PSU Food Porn Account You Need to Check Out

Do you love food? Do you love food porn? If you answered yes to either or both of these questions, turn your face away from this article and go follow @psueeeats, a beautiful, local food porn account, on Instagram right now (then turn your face back because I still have some nifty stuff to tell you about it.)

#waffleshop @misscongeniemily

We got in contact with the account owner and while they requested that their identity remain unknown, we still got info on how this Holy Grail of food porn came to be.

#thecornerroom @jac5945

@psueeeats was conceived at the beginning of the Fall 2014 semester when the owner was inspired by a similar Instagram account that posted pictures of general food porn run by girls from their hometown.

Realizing that there was no account quite like it near campus, the creator made @psueeeats so that they could showcase all the delicious food State College has to offer. The owner said that after witnessing the success of their hometown account that @psueeeats was based off of, they had no doubt that their account would also be a hit.

“There is nothing college students love more than food, so I knew I would have some followers,” they said, and with 3,300 followers and climbing, they couldn’t be more right.

#bells @vanessarrene

The food featured on this account is so unreal and saliva-inducing, it’s hard to believe that it comes from somewhere in this little, old town. But in the week since this account was introduced to me, I’ve already found a new favorite bagel spot where the food looked (and tasted) just as good in real life as it did in the photo. The creator always mentions where the food comes from in a hashtag so that you can find the corporeal version of that beautiful blurb.

#bagelcrust @psueeeats

Want to share your favorite spot/nosh with the masses? Tag @psueeeats next time you snap a pic of your lunch and you might just end up on their timeline. Be warned, though: in the dozens of pictures sent to the owner daily, only a few are “Insta-worthy.”

Here are some tips for the amateur photographer that really wants to appear on @psueeeats:

Make sure your lighting is good and that it highlights the features of the dish. Bar lighting is probably not optimal.

On that vein, half-eaten drunk food will probably not end up on the page, so try to take the pic before you dig in (if you can help it).

Finally, try to avoid repeats. If you’ve already seen something similar to the bagel you’re eating on the account, keep it to yourself to enjoy.

Whether or not you try to contribute, make sure you check out @psueeeats on Instagram ASAP. But scroll at your own risk; we are not responsible for the hunger pains and subsequent food comas caused by viewing this account.

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