
What It’s Like Being a Lightweight, as Told by Agnes Gru and Minions

As much as we’d hate to admit it, we all have drinking limits. And for some of us, those limits may add up to a single glass of wine. Don’t worry though — just cause we can’t down a bottle of beer doesn’t mean we can’t handle our alcohol. So here’s what it’s like being a lightweight as told by adorable Agnes Gru and Minions.

1. When you can’t feel your face after a sip of wine.

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Guys, I’m already numb…

2. When you start to feel giggly way before others do.

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You’re not saying anything but I still find you funny.

3. When it’s only 9 and your friends haven’t reached your level of drunk yet. 

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Friend: I’m way too sober for this.

4. When you’re out of chasers and have to find a last resort.

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Candy is always an option.

5. When your friend promises you won’t be able to taste the alcohol in that cocktail.

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Can I get a Cosmo without the triple sec or vodka?

 6. Because even the slightest taste of alcohol will turn you off.

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My. Mouth. Burns.

7. When people still charge you for pregame alcohol but you literally only need a sip.

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It’s just not fair.

8. When you’d rather not participate in taking shots. 

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I think I’ll just watch.

9. When people suggest drinking games.

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Uhhh I’m way too gone already.

10. When you get the drunchies while everyone is just getting drunk.

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I really could go for some pizza right now. And chips. And fries…

11. When all your friends are getting ready to head out and ask if you can make it.

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Of course I can… I think.

Even though you sometimes wish you could keep up with your friends, sobering up early ain’t so bad… round 2, anyone?

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Lightweight or not, it's safe to say that alcohol isn't the easiest drink to get down. We got you covered: