
Let Mac Campus Provide Your Local and Sustainable Honey Fix

As the winter days are coming and you might be looking to ethically stock up on some natural sweetener for those steaming cuppas, you will be delighted to learn that you CAN get honey produced at McGill’s Mac Campus.

Local, sustainable, and student-run; McGill’s Apicultural Association (MAA) has been beekeeping since 2007 and has recently decided to sell their pure unpasteurized honey. On sale, in limited quantities at Mac, they come in three different formats: 750ml, 375ml, and 250ml.

Photo by Nadia Alayoubi

Don’t really know how to use up your honey? You’ll be surprised by how versatile this natural sweetener is. It not only finds its place in the kitchen, like with this quesadilla, but it’s antibacterial property makes it a good addition to your skin-care routine. And as you might know, honey is a great cure for your sore throat for your sore throat thanks to it’s anti-inflammatory properties.

MAA is not only one of your local honey provider but they also host a bunch of events such as workshops, summer community events, and talks to increase interest in apiculture and bee science.

Photo by Nadia Alayoubi

For example beeswax’s versatility was highlighted at this semester’s workshop. This inedible portion of the beehive is a great emulsifying agent and a natural hydrating anti-allergic ingredient which is perfect for cosmetics.

During the workshop, we used the beeswax to make lip balms. (P.S These lip balms are also on sale now at Mac). But you can also use this incredible bee by-product to make hand cream, candles, and much more. Talk about DIY-ing some birthday/Christmas gifts.

Photo by Nadia Alayoubi

And finally, if you find yourself like Winnie the Pooh looking down your empty honey pot; go get your MAA honey jar at Mac before they run out, and sweeten your life with with this recipe.

Celebrate bees and honey with these articles: