
KIND Launched New Protein Bars, and You Can Try Them, Along With a Competitor's Bar, For Free

This year, I made it a goal to get stronger. Actually, I made it a goal to get arms like Michelle Obama before I walk down the aisle in my bff's wedding, but we'll see. In my first attempt, I've been using free weights and going to 305 Fitness (my new fave dance workout in NYC) pretty much every single day. Following class, I generally drink a vegan protein shake, which tastes kind of chalky and disgusting, or eat a protein bar, which gets stuck all up in my teeth. Neither option is totally my jam, but I deal with it because #NoPainNoGain. But today, KIND Bar released a new protein bar, featuring their signature nuts, and lemme tell you, they're great. And, you can try them for free.

These KIND Protein Bars Are Amazing

KIND heard protein bars on the current market are, well, not the best tasting. So they decided to change that and make their own. Go them. 

KIND sent me some samples of the new bars and seriously, I'm in love. And I don't say that often about any snack bar. The bars each have 12 grams of protein and come in four different flavors: White Chocolate Cinnamon Almond, Toasted Caramel Nut, Double Dark Chocolate Nut, and Crunchy Peanut butter. My favorite is the Double Dark Chocolate Nut — I couldn't stop myself from snacking on two of them yesterday. 

You can get them online starting today, or wait for them to hit stores next month. I would suggest going online. 

How You Can Try Them For Free

If you want to know what I'm talking about, try them! KIND is giving you the opportunity to try the new protein bars for free. All you have to do is go to and click "Get Your Samples." Then, fill in your name and your address, hit submit, and boom. Free samples are on their way. 

But KIND is hilariously also throwing a little shade to those competitor protein bars I mentioned earlier. With your free KIND sample, they're also including a sample of a competitor bar so you can compare the two. They know you'll like their protein bar the best—they ain't scurred.

Anna Faris Is Reading Mean Reviews 

And again with the shade! Similar to Jimmy Kimmel's "Celebrities Read Mean Tweets" segment, and as part of their new campaign, KIND asked Anna Faris to read the reviews of competitor protein bars. The reviews are totally real, taken from Amazon, and actually hilarious.

"Sawdust. If you have nothing to wash this down, you'll die. And don't eat them at work unless you want to fart all day," one review reads. So the struggle is real.

Growing up, I always had this idea that eating protein bars or protein shakes were going to turn me into a body builder or make me bulk up. Obviously, that alone is not true—that only comes with hard work in the gym. But for me, adding a little protein to my diet can help my muscles recover more quickly so I'm not complaining that I can't walk the next day after a sick dance sesh. In other words, I'll definitely be keeping these KIND bars in my gym bag from now on.