
If JMU Dining Halls Were Named After Songs On Justin Bieber’s Album, “Purpose”

Bieber is back and better than ever. Welcome to the fan club new beliebers, you’ve been missing out for years. Better late than never, I suppose. Ever wonder how he chooses song titles? Same. What about JMU Dining Halls, how are they named?

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Imagine if JMU Dining Halls were named after hits from Justin Bieber’s new album, “Purpose” (which you all should listen to over and over and over again because that is some good stuff). Probably weird, but we’re all beliebers now so might as well embrace it in every aspect of our lives. #NOTsorry

1. “Children”: D Hall

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Wednesdays at D Hall consist of peanut butter pie, a chicken dish of sorts, and children. Children from elementary and middle schools taking a field trip to JMU. “What about the children? Look at all the children we can change… Who’s got the heart?” Sing is JBiebs.

IDK who’s got the heart, but I do know that every Wednesday at D Hall these brave children have the heart for putting frozen yogurt on their pizzas topped with fries and a cookie.

2. “What Do You Mean?”: Top Dog

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Confusing dining hours call for the question, what do you mean? It’s a Friday afternoon and all you want for dinner is Mongolian Dumplings. You get to Top Dog at 5 to find that it closed at 3:30. WHAT. DO. YOU. MEAN. I do not nod my head yes to this, but rather say NO.

Just for giggles, it’s also closed on Saturday too. Ya better make up your mind that you don’t want Mongolian or a panini on Saturday way early in the week so that you can get your fix before it pretty much closes down for the weekend. Here’s a recipe to get your dumpling craving over the weekend.

3. “Company”: Dog Pound

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Cinnamon roll or chocolate chip cookie and milk, thank you Dog Pound for being our company on late weekend nights. Shoutout to ya for always welcoming us with open arms. Sometimes we don’t even know your name and that may not change, but you still always keep us company.

No pressure, no worries, and no desire to eat anything but the sweets and indulgent dishes you give us. When that midnight hour rolls around, you’re our on-campus paradise.

4. “I’ll Show You”: E Hall

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Is this life a movie because really nowhere else can you fill as many plates as you want with an unlimited supply of naan. E Hall shows all the other dining halls what it means to be a prime contender in the campus food game.

Everyone may be watching you as you walk around trying to decide what the right thing is to eat, but in reality they’re about to load up another plate too.

5. “Love Yourself”: Bistro 1908 (aka SSC)

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Parades have been rained on when dining in at SSC whether your dish may take a little longer than usual to get to your table or you want quinoa, but find that the line is out the door because its new, trendy, and good AF. But don’t be a sour patch kid just because you have to wait a little longer.

Love yourself after lunch, people, and visit Dunkin’ Donuts because you know that the employees there will love you for sure. Good people serving good donuts and good coffee, am I right?

6. “The Feeling”: Dukes

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Do we really love PC Dukes or do we just love the satisfaction of every greasy good option there, excluding a few stations. Really though, buffalo bites and fries may seem like the answer in the moment, but your stomach is just being deceived by your taste buds just as Bieber is deceived by his heart.

7. “Life is Worth Living”: Madison Grill

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Two words: Cookie Skillet. Life is worth living for that cookie skillet. It is an important JMU dessert everybody needs to try. Just like at SSC, the service may be a little slow sometimes, but it’s all good because you’ve got a bread basket. #forgiven and shoutout to that miracle.

Grab your squad and head over there for dinner because it’s a perfect spot to celebrate the end of the semester.

8. “Where Are U Now”: Let’s Go Local

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But, really… what’s your location? Does anyone know where Let’s Go is? Anyone?

9. “We Are”: Festival

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Don’t question it, you know the answer for Thursday lunch is Cheeze Please. And post dinner dessert is obviously a crepe or have one for dinner itself. These foods have your back, especially with finals approaching. They’re awesome post exam treats. Bless.

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