
Is Juicing Right for You?

Calling all health food lovers! Chances are, you have either tried or been exposed to fruit and vegetable juices. If not, then you have probably noticed various "artsy" pictures on social media showing off brightly-colored healthy juices.

Juicing is a health food craze that has led to juice bar establishments, juicing machines, and the vending of juices in food stores across the country. Fruit and vegetable juice was first advertised expansively by Campbell's V8 juice, however the juicing industry has been expanding ever since. 

The Pros

Drinking fresh juice is a tasty, natural way to hydrate. It can help to flush out toxins from the body and is a good source of vitamins and nutrients. If you are not big into vegetables, then juicing is a great way to give your body the nutrients that it otherwise would not have. Adding some apple, pineapple, or watermelon to juiced greens is a sweet way to mask the taste of vegetables. Juicing makes it easier to acquire the benefits of vegetables that you would not normally eat, such as beets, fennels, and kale

The Cons

Unfortunately for some of us, juicers extract the pulp and skins of fruits and vegetables, which contain healthy fibers that aid in digestion. Also, since much of the fruit is needed to produce a full glass of juice, juices generally have a higher caloric value than a piece of the fruit itself. The amount of sugar in fruit juices can raise blood sugar quickly and potentially lead to weight gain if drunk in excess. Furthermore, juicers are expensive kitchen appliances that can cost up to $400, so be sure you are ready to commit to juicing. 

 If you are a fruit and vegetable eater, or if you are willing to stomach them, then you are better off just eating them. Juice is a good alternative to eating fruits and vegetables, however it should not replace them in your diet. If fruits and vegetables aren't your thing, juicing is a refreshing, effective way to get your vitamins and nutrients.