
Just Because It is Juice Doesn't Mean It is Healthy

For some time now, it seems like the world has been on a health kick. One of the solutions that claims to help people satisfy their health goals is drinking juices. No, I'm not talking about the old fashioned OJ or apple juice.

More specifically, I mean the juices that are labeled with all seemingly healthy superfoods listed on the front of the bottle or on the signs in juice shops. People tend to be deceived what is not on the label. Here's the ugly truth: just because it's juice, it doesn't mean it's healthy.

Sweet in your mouth, sour on your health

Sugar: an ingredient that turns into fat in the body once metabolized by the liver. It is also a common additive in store bought juices. For example, in drinks from Naked Juice, the Center for Science in the Public Interest found that the primary ingredients are apple juice and orange juice.

A 15 oz. bottle of Kale Blazer includes eight teaspoons of sugar. This small detail is tactically left out on the label. In addition, don't be fooled by the stores that blend juices right in front of you. Substances such as aspartame, sugar water, and raw sugar may be added to the mix. Ask your barista for no added sugar or to add some agave to sweeten it up. 

You Need To Cut It

One of the essential steps to take in losing weight is cutting the amount of calories eaten per day. Sometimes, drinking juices that satiate hunger does not help to actually suppress hunger.

The Mr. Almond juice from the Juice Shop contains 400 calories. I'm the type of person that likes to eat her calories. If you're going to drink something that is high in calories, you might as well make it a meal you can chew.

Fiber Is A Major Key

Fiber assists the body in absorbing food and helps you feel full. Drinking a juice which lacks fiber as a meal may not help you feel full. You may feel lighter for a bit and then end up eating a whole lot later. If you are going to juice, make sure that you're eating whole foods rich in fiber.

All With Caution And Moderation

A juice here and there is definitely not going to damage to your health. In fact, juices can be quite good for you if they aren't made with added sugars or don't have a high calorie count. Just don't deprive yourself of the yummy solid foods out there by sipping on a liquid meal in order to feel healthy.