As a self-proclaimed ice cream enthusiast, I couldn’t believe it when I saw an article about a man who ate nothing but ice cream for ten days and proceeded to lose about ten pounds. I’m sorry, what?
Immediately after reading that, I hauled ass to my local Wegman’s to purchase a carton of this mysterious “Halo Top” ice cream, whose website boasted its low-cal, protein-filled, essentially “healthy” qualities. To my dismay, the store was unfortunately out of Halo Top, leading me to believe that the brand may be too good to be true. After searching the website, I realized it was suspiciously only sold at certain retailers across the country, and I didn’t think paying $30 to ship a $6 pint of ice cream was quite worth it.
I forgot about this seemingly fictitious product until about a month later, when I was perusing my Wegman’s at home and stumbled upon the magical frozen treat. To be honest, I was very nervous to try this ice cream. I picked up a carton of the classic Chocolate flavor, whose label screamed “240 CALORIES PER PINT” at me.

Photo courtesy of Halo Top Creamery on
It was overwhelming to say the least. I didn’t want this ice cream to let me down and if it did, I didn’t want to believe that there was such thing as a bad-tasting ice cream. I’ve tried to make frozen banana ice cream, and it just didn’t compare; so this taste test was important to me.

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Upon my first bite, I was absolutely blown away. I felt like I was eating out of any pint of full-fat ice cream. I waited for a terrible aftertaste, something that I assumed would be inevitable. But it never came. I kept eating and suddenly I was 120 calories in and not regretting a single bite. I could literally eat the entire pint and not even feel slightly bad. I didn’t eat the entire tub – not in one sitting, anyways. Instead, I saved about half of it for the next day.

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To my dismay, I was less than impressed with my second go-round at “Halo Top.” The flavor was still good, but the ice cream had frozen making the texture seem harder than other types of ice creams. Needless to say, it was less than enjoyable. The brand does warn about such inconvenient freezing and claim that it is due to the lack of unhealthy softening ingredients in their frozen treat. As I kept eating, however, the ice cream melted a bit and softened up, making it just as enjoyable as the first time I tried it.
If I had not been so eager to eat this delicious ice cream and had let it thaw a bit before diving in, I never would have encountered any issues with the brand at all. So yes, it was a little disheartening trying to eat the ice cream fresh out of the freezer, but I would absolutely eat this ice cream again. It’s the perfect brand to go pick up and eat the second you get home while you binge watch Netflix.
Not to mention, a pint of Halo Top has about a quarter of the calories as a pint of Ben and Jerry’s. Yes, they don’t have as many exciting flavors decked out in brownies, cookies, and caramel, but, if you’re just trying to sit by your lonesome and indulge in an entire pint, this is the perfect ice cream to do so. As far as your typical chocolate goes, I would not be able to tell the difference between a bite of Halo Top and a bite of your typical brand.

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I will absolutely be stocking my dorm room mini fridge with cartons upon cartons of Halo Top, (provided I can find it somewhere in a store), so that I can eat delicious desserts while preparing myself for bikini-bod season.