What are Shelfies, you ask? Every foodie’s dream come true! A clothing brand that allows its wearers to publicly display their love and affection for food. Based in Toronto, Canada, Shelfies are intensely graphic close-ups of all types of delicious treats on clothing from sweaters to tank tops. Below, I showcase some of the best #Shelfies photos on Instagram with captions suggesting what each Shelfie is really saying. Warning: If you’re not hungry already, you surely will be after viewing this tasty-looking apparel.

Peace, Love and Pizza. It’s the center of my Universe. Photo by @clumsy_sophie

Cucumbers are weird. Weirdly awesome. Photo by @shelfies

Cheeseburgers are the reason for smiling. Live and breathe the bun! Photo by @shelfies

My broccoli game is so strong. The vegetarian ladies love me. Photo by @shelfies

I’m serious about my cereal – and you should be, too. Photo by @shelfies

Pepperoni pizza truly completes me. Photo by @shelfies

These mixed berries are small and sweet – just like me. Photo by @long_sy

Our love for the outdoors coincides with our love for food, naturally. Photo by @shelfies

Words cannot express my feelings towards a burger, but this tank says it all. Photo by @shelfies

It’s not possible to be “too cool” for pancakes. Photo by @shelfies
Be sure to check out Shelfies on Facebook, and if you have a shelfie of your own, email info@spoonuniversity.com your shelfie selfie to be included on this list!