
Ikea Is Now Making Their Meatballs With Legit Bugs

If your state is lucky enough to have an Ikea (there are only 45 in the US!), then you know that the shopping experience isn't complete without their delicious Swedish meatballs and lingonberry sauce. But, on your next trip, you might be in for a different ride. The Ikea test kitchen in Copenhagen has been working on creating a modern, sustainable menu and that means cooking up some bugs. 

The "Neatball"

Ikea's new "neatball" comes in two versions: mealworm and vegetable. The first includes ground-up mealworms, so you'll be getting a little more crunch and savoriness. The second is made with beets, carrots, and parsnips. Perhaps this version will be a little more colorful? Either way, these meatballs will still be served with a side of mashed potatoes, gravy, and lingonberry sauce. 

The "Bug Burger"

I think I might pass on this one but for all of you burger enthusiasts out there, I've found your next meal. I promise you, this burger is straight out of "How To Eat Fried Worms." The patty is four-fifths root vegetables and 1/5 darkling beetle larva, and the rest of the burger is topped with beet berry ketchup, a chive spread, and greens. I mean, I'd try the toppings? 

The "Dogless Hot Dog"

Ever enjoyed a Chicago-style hot dog? Think of that classic and turn it vegan (cranked up 20 notches!). For the bun, you'll get the taste of spirulina, a blue-green microalgae that is packed with protein. On the inside, you'll get a glazed carrot (with the stem) and some beet berry ketchup, mustard and turmeric cream, roasted onions, cucumbers, and an herb salad mix. It sounds pretty good, but not sure if this will "beet" out a classic Chicago dog.

A Not-So Average Salad

Perhaps the most normal item on their "modern" menu, the hydroponically grown salad (meaning ingredients are grown in sand, gravel, or liquids) includes greens, spirulina, herbal dressing, and croutons made from leftover bread.

Side note: I might actually be willing to try this item.

But Really, Bugs Aren't Really That Weird

It's important to realize that other countries, especially those in Africa, Asia and South America, eat bugs all the time. For example, in Thailand, fried bugs are often served as a side to eat with beer. So, while you don't have to like the taste and crunch of insects (or even want to try them), don't put down others for what they enjoy.

While I personally think Ikea trying out these new items is a bit... risky, it's great that the international chain is testing out an environmentally friendly menu. However, these alternative menu items won't be appearing in Ikea restaurants any time soon, so you'll be able to stick to your regular ol' meatballs and lingonberry sauce. Smaklig måltid!