
If the Sorority Girl Selfie Commentary Was About Foodstagramming

The greatest selfie-fest was caught on camera at the Arizona Diamondbacks game and the announcers proceeded to give some pretty epic commentary. With duck faces galore and eyes only looking at their phones, these girls were getting their selfie-game on. Watch and be shocked.

But, doesn’t this look a bit familiar? They’re basically doing it with their churros and hotdogs (minus the duck faces and smizing). Let’s imagine if these commentaters gave a play-by-play of when we take pictures of our food…

Look at that skilled arm raise. Feel bad for the friend who can’t eat the Umami Burger.

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Bet he strategically sat there for the good lighting. Just wait till his ice cream melts at the end of the photoshoot.

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Again with that arm raise. Don’t your arms get tired before you even start eating?

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Wowzer! A duck face AND a food pic. Can’t get any better than that.

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Now that’s dedication. Standing up in the middle of a restaurant and getting your friend to do peace signs.

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I don’t understand the obsession with #foodintheair. What happens if you drop it?

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Kids these days. All on their technology.

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Ok I’m done. This is the end. I can’t deal with this. (Abruptly leaves the stand.)

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Now that I’m done making fun of people who take pictures of food, let me step forward and make a confession: I use to be that person. The food Instagram addict who would tell everyone to stop eating just so I could take a picture of their food. I even asked someone if I could take a picture of their pastry at the Dominique Ansel Bakery since I only ordered the Cronut. No, I didn’t even know them. Yeah, it got that bad.

The matcha and golden pineapple #cronut in all its glory from @dominiqueansel. By far the best one I've had. Or maybe because I love matcha & pineapple (so maybe I am biased?). So many struggles involved in getting this ?. Will share tomorrow. Comment with what you think my ordeal was haha ? || Tag #CRAVERSUNITE to be featured!

A photo posted by Victoria Li ? (@craversunite) on

Just like those girls at the baseball game, I forgot about why I was in that moment. Before I ate, it was just me and my camera. I had to get that perfect shot for my Instagram. Pics or it didn’t happen — right?

Those girls were there to watch a baseball game and I wonder how much of the baseball game they caught. And myself? I was missing out on the very thing I was taking pictures of — the food!

Got fries in celebration of National French Fry Day ?, with a side of the 'Shroom Burger, Shack-cago Dog & frozen custard. The 'Shroom Burger is actually my fave @shakeshack – ironically, it's the vegetarian burger. #CRAVERSUNITE

A photo posted by Victoria Li ? (@craversunite) on

I’ve changed my ways. Nowadays, people ask if I’m going to take a picture when I dig into my food. I got tired of eating my food cold. When you get your dish, it is served at its peak of perfection. Once you whip out your phone, you’re taking away from that perfection. With each second, your dish cools (or melts).

So here’s an intervention to all you food photographers. Please make sure to enjoy the food. I’m not against food photography but don’t let it consume all your meals. You’re the one enjoying the food—not your camera.

?Happy birthday? to me ? Awesome night with mom celebrating the 21st. ? Blew out a candle on a deliciously sweet flan ? Happy birthday to the other April 15 babies! Btw there were 2 other people celebrating their birthdays at the restaurant!!! || Tag #CRAVERSUNITE to be featured.

A video posted by Victoria Li ? (@craversunite) on

Just in case this intervention wasn't enough: