
If Drake Albums Were Ben & Jerry's Flavors

In today’s world, you're doing it wrong if you’re simply satisfying only one of your senses. Luckily, I found a double sensory experience that is almost too good.

“Vermont’s Finest” and Canada’s finest rapper make for a killer combo. Ben & Jerry’s has reigned supreme in the ice cream world for decades, and while Drake’s success is relatively more recent, he is already a legend. 

Drake and ice cream is a duo that definitely won't disappoint. No matter how you're feeling, there's a Drake song that will fit your mood; similar to how any mood is improved with a pint of Ben & Jerry's. Here's what flavor of Ben & Jerry's each Drake album would be if you just can't get enough of either of them. 

"Take Care" — Chunky Monkey

Drake proved himself as a smooth talker in this album, just like how Ben & Jerry's proved their mastering of ice cream with this smooth banana flavor. Drake’s first Grammy winning album, Take Care, made headlines in big ways; likewise, this pint will reward your tastebuds with its award-winning flavor. 

"More Life" — That’s My Jam

Drake definitely went a different vibe with this album, similar to how Ben & Jerry decided to add a core to their classic hard ice creams. Hits like "Passionfruit" and "Fake Love" have a certain fruitiness to them that would be the raspberry side on the swirl, and songs like "Gyalchester" and "Portland" add to the fudge/richer side.

"Views" — Americone Dream

Although Drake is from Canada, this album really celebrated Drake achieving the "American dream." Drake was well aware of his tremendous success, which is why he included songs like "Grammys," "Still Here," and "Views" to further highlight his fame.

Although this flavor is inspired by Stephen Colbert, "Views" will definitely inspire you to dig into this sweet caramel flavor.

"What A Time To Be Alive" — Everything but the...

This album not only featured Drake, but also featured rap artist Future. Together they brought a sound that is signature to Drake and a sound that was different from what he's used to.

Similarly, Everything but the... brought us a rich chocolatey flavor with classic vanilla, but also fudge-covered toffee pieces mixed with the white chocolatey chunks and almonds. This flavor brings together all the favorites into one pint, and this album brought us the best of Drake and the best of Future.

"Nothing Was The Same" — Half Baked

The most iconic album cover deserves the most iconic Ben and Jerry’s flavor: Half Baked. Literally, nothing was the same after this flavor first graced my lips. Half Baked contains many different components, all of which complement each other.

The security of the rich chocolatey flavor can be compared to "Hold on, We're Going Home." While the vanilla flavor can be compared to the classic, "Started From the Bottom," paying complements to Drake's first albu. Half Baked and Nothing was the same were hardly the furthest thing from perfect. 

"So Far Gone" — Vanilla

Drake’s first solo album was good, but definitely not his best, contrary to the hit song on this album "Best I Ever Had" (it simply is not the best Drake song). 

Similar to how Vanilla ice cream is a classic, but needs extra toppings, this album had some killer songs, but needed some assistance, which is why Drake's mentor, Lil Wayne, was added to this album. So Far Gone and Vanilla are both successful, but more importantly, paved the way for more to come. 

"Thank Me Later" — Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

You can always count on chocolate chip cookie dough to bring you a consistent tasty flavor, but its probably not your favorite flavor. Similarly, this album can be credited for its highlights like "Over and Find Your Love," but it is definitely not Drake's best album.

However, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough and "Thank Me Later" need to be appreciated for the magic that followed after. Without Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, Half Baked would never have existed and without "Thank Me Later," "Nothing Was The Same" would have never been created.

"Comeback Season" — Peanut Butter and Jelly

I think it's a sign that this mixtape isn’t even featured on Spotify, which is why it is rightfully paired with one of Ben & Jerry’s graveyard flavors. Just because this flavor was discontinued doesn’t mean that it was bad, but people were definitely not coming back for more.

With 22 songs featured on this mixtape, it’s clear that Drake was in over his head. Likewise, the peanut butter ice cream combined with the jelly swirl is good in theory, but not in a pint. Although Drake was in over his head, he has had a decade full of comebacks since this mixtape was released that clearly redeem him. 

"Room For Improvement" — Hazed and Confused

The title of this mixtape says it all. Drake was still arguably a kid when this mixtape was produced, and was probably more well known for his work as Jimmy Brooks on "Degrassi" than his work as a solo artist.

The potential was still there, so this album is paired with Hazed and Confused, which is an unarguably amazing flavor with tons of potential, but is missing a little something. Drake really had a lot to learn about the game, but his later albums would show us that he finally did make things right. 

Even if you don’t follow this list of recommendations, I think any ice cream binge would be heightened if Drake was playing in the background. Drake’s emotional lyrics make him the ideal artist to pair with the most indulgent of pints.

Ben & Jerry’s, here me out. You should give Drake the honor of having a flavor of his own. (I’m thinking a chocolate and vanilla caramel swirl with pieces of peanut butter cups would perfectly compliment Drake’s vibe).

Ben & Jerry’s and Drake will undoubtably gift us with more albums and flavors in the future. Hopefully the rumors about Ben & Jerry’s weed infused ice cream are true, because pretty sure ice cream with a hint of cannabis would pair perfectly with any Drake song.