I love coffee. And with my love for coffee comes a deep relationship . I love that thing. Just ask my roommate, who was woken up everyday at 8 am by the sound of it (sorry, Lise).
So I decided to conduct a little taste-test with a new K-cup variety pack shipment from Amazon. To start off, I’d like you to meet your taste testers:
Me: A college student who drinks more coffee than she should. Only black, with the occasional cappuccino.
My mom: A lady who has been drinking coffee for years now. Enjoys it with fruit. It must be a mom thing.
Well, after drinking 21 different cups of coffee, my mom and I were basically bouncing off the walls from all the caffeine. Some sips were heavenly, while others made us gag. But don’t worry, we ranked all 21 K-cups for you so you don’t have to go through this too.
21. Eko Cups Guatemalan
I’ll leave you with the wise words of my mom: “This tastes like sh*t in a cup.”
20. Nautica Estate Coffee Hawaiian Kona Happa
It was dark, and had no taste. Pass.
19. Victor Allen’s Coffee Morning Blend
If I drank this in the morning, I think it would do the opposite of wake me up. It tasted like water with a bad aftertaste. Nope.
18. Martinson Donut Shop Blend
I spit it out. My mom laughed at me.
17. Eko Cups Bold
Too bitter. Might as well suck on a lemon.
16. Marley Coffee Lively Up
See comment under Eko Cups Bold. The only thing that ranked it higher was the cool-looking cup.
15. Barrie House Espresso Roast
Okay, this wasn’t that bad, it was just too intense for our liking. It had somewhat of a burnt aftertaste too.
14. Crazy Cups Death by Chocolate
You go into this one thinking: “Chocolate coffee?!?” Smells like chocolate, but doesn’t taste like it.
13. Victor Allen’s Coffee French Vanilla
This one was pretty good, but was just false advertising – in no way did it taste like vanilla. Next.
12. Green Mountain Coffee Breakfast Blend
“Breakfast blend” sounds pretty generic, and that’s exactly what it tastes like. Reminded us more of vending machine coffee.
11. Entenmann’s Vanilla
Entenmann’s should stick to their mini donuts. This guy had a strong vanilla flavor (take that, Victor Allen’s) but an artificial aftertaste.
10. Donut Shop Regular
Finally, we are getting to the top ten. Reminded us of Dunkin’ Donuts coffee, which we guess makes sense considering the name.
9. Starbucks French Roast
I guess the French like it dark. Probably tastes great with croissants. Chocolate croissants, to be exact.
8. Archer Farms Vanilla Bean Créme Brûlée
I mean, who wouldn’t want to drink their dessert? A great cup for those of you who like it sweet.
7. Rio Grande Roasters Pinon Medium Roast

This was just flat-out delicious. It had a nutty flavor, not as strong as hazelnut, and did not taste artificial.
6. Wolfgang Puck Jamaican Me Crazy
The name says it all ‘mon. It made me crazy. I bought a whole box afterward.
5. Double Donut Coffee Bold Blend
Although this guy wasn’t “bold,” it sure was smooth. And we like things smooth (except our peanut butter).
4. Eight O’Clock Dark Italian Roast
I guess this one was a “we like our coffee like we like our men” type of thing. Tall, dark, and Italian.
3. Double Donut Coffee Italian Roast
This one sort of tasted the same as #5, but was darker, and we assume darker = more caffeine, so we like it.
2. Green Mountain Coffee Dark Magic
My notes say it all: “Smooth and dark. Very good. Very good. Drink this more often.”
1. Hamilton Mills Toasted Cinnamon
Okay, I may be a little biased, but I have been getting a 40-pack of these K-cups each month for the past three years. Perfectly smooth, cinnamon-y, and delicious. Drink it up, people.