
How To Pronounce "LaCroix"

LaCroix has gone from being the original soda-alternative of '90s kids in the midwest, to a millennial cult favorite enjoyed around the country. Although wildly popular, many people still debate how to pronounce LaCroix. Is it "la-croy," "la-craw," "la-cwah," or "la-crocs?" It seems no one knows exactly how to correctly say the beverage company's name. 

Literally, No One Knows How 

This week, "The Tonight Show" set out to document the different ways people say "LaCroix" by sending one of the staff's writers to Rockefeller Center for some sparkling journalistic excellence. They trolled everyone in their path. You can watch for yourself below — the results are hilarious.  

Although hearing Jimmy Fallon call it Lil' Crudboy is comedic gold, there is a right way to say LaCroix. 

The Right Way to Pronounce "LaCroix"

According to the LaCroix website, it is pronounced "la-croy." 

"Consumers are reminded of the correct pronunciation when asked to 'enjoy LaCroix' with every sip they take," the site says. Oh right, duh. 

While the name may seem to come from a strictly French background, that's only partly true. The "La" part comes from La Crosse, Wisconsin, and the "Croix" part comes from the St. Croix river (the one between Wisconsin and Minnesota), where the drink was originally made. Of course, the St. Croix river was named by the French in the late 1600s during the French and Indian Wars.

The confusion around it make sense, however. Americans seem to have to have a knack for butchering French words (just look at the word "caramel.") 

But no matter how you say it, LaCroix is certainly the beverage of our time. Cheers to fun and fizzy water, however you pronounce its name.