
How To Make Your Holiday Season A Bit Healthier

The holiday season is upon us, and you know what that means! There is an abundance of friends, family, fun, food, and freezing weather. With so much going on, it can be difficult to make your health a priority. Here is how to make your holiday season a bit healthier.

Eat Seasonally

When holiday foods come to mind, most people immediately think of sugar cookies, pumpkin pie, and cornbread. These are all seasonal foods because they remind us of the holidays, but what about foods that are truly in season? This small change in mindset can make your eating habits much healthier. Imagine a holiday season where you think of maple balsamic Brussels sprouts, butternut squash soup, baked pears, and roasted carrots. Check out the recipes. You'll be glad you did.


It can be difficult to cut all of the amazing holiday food out of your diet. The good news is: you don't have to! Make a few minor substitutions, such as getting your Starbucks Peppermint Mocha with skim or almond milk and skinny mocha sauce or making pureed parsnips instead of mashed potatoes (they taste almost identical!) If you can't find any decent substitutions, just eat in moderation.


It can be difficult to find the motivation to exercise during the holidays, but it's essential to your health. The endorphins from a nice workout sesh will make the season even merrier. Too cold outside for a run? Head to your local gym for a swim, fitness class, or to use the machines and weights. Don't have a gym membership? Here are 10 bodyweight exercises you can do just about anywhere. Want to spend more time with friends and family? Get them to exercise with you! Anything to get you moving. You'll feel so much less sluggish and happier come January. 

Shop In Stores

With gift-giving holidays right around the corner, it can be tempting to plop down on a couch with some leftover pie and shop online. Instead, try to do your shopping in physical stores. This will get you up and moving, and you'll be productive. Invite your friends to go, too! It's a season of giving, so browse the racks on your own feet. 

Who needs New Year's resolutions to lead a healthier life? Get started today with making your holiday season a bit healthier. You'll get a head start for keeping habits for next year.