
How to Make Time for Yourself While Living a Hectic College Life

As a college student, it can be difficult to find the perfect balance between getting good grades, having a social life, and staying healthy. Expectations, expectations... However, it is extremely important to make time for yourself in college to prevent becoming easily overwhelmed.

By making time to be alone and doing things that make you happy, you will have a much easier time balancing your other commitments and relationships. That's why I've created a list of my favorites ways to make time for myself, as suggestions for you.

Go to the gym

Working out is not only beneficial for your physical state, but also for your mental state. I absolutely love working out, so going to the gym is the first place I seek to be alone on campus. The “high” I get after sprinting to my favorite music on the treadmill is indescribable. Whether I’m stressed or not, I always find that the gym resets my mind and leaves me feeling uplifted.

Get a meal alone

I know, I know. Sit alone in a crowded dining hall?! Although it seems intimidating, in reality, no one is judging you. Sometimes it’s nice to find off times at the dining hall and get a meal by yourself. Personally, when I eat alone, I like to sit near a window (views, am I right?) and listen to music to relax.

Explore campus

Although it might sound strange to explore the school you go to, you’d be surprised with the places you find and didn’t know of before. I love walking around and discovering secret study spots I can go to to do work or just relax. When the warmer weather comes around, it’s also nice to go on walks and runs around campus or just find a nice green area to sit.

Discover new music

It’s no lie that music is good for the soul. Discovering and listening to music instantly puts me in a good mood. One of my favorite things to do when I have alone time is to make new playlists on my spotify depending on my mood. It’s extremely therapeutic whenever I put together a new playlist— for my workouts, study sessions, to relax, and obviously shower songs. 

Pamper yourself

Everyone loves a good spa night. After a long day or week, it’s important to show your body some love. Take a long shower, put on a face mask, grab your favorite nail polish, and just relax. Give yourself time to unwind and reset— you deserve it.

In the beginning of college, it's easy to spread yourself too thin between clubs, classes, and a social life. However, don't forget to put your health and wellness first and make some time for yourself once in a while.