
How To Get a Free Egg Sandwich at Einstein Bros. Bagels

I am not a morning person whatsoever. But sleeping in on the weekends makes waking up early on Monday morning even worse. Nonetheless, one of my goals for the year is to wake up earlier to get sh*t done like working out or getting to work on time. Einstein Bros. Bagels gets it, and they've created some new, kind of hilarious, ringtones to set as your morning alarm. But even better, by downloading said ringtones, you can get a free breakfast! Here's what's up.

Free Breakfast

Once you download the ringtones, you'll receive a coupon for a free egg sandwich with any purchase. So get some OJ and an egg sandwich on the house Monday morning (or Saturday morning when you really need it).

The deal includes two new sandwiches: the Cheesy Wakin' Bacon (eggs, bacon and cheddar on a six-cheese bagel) and the No Yolk (egg whites, turkey bacon, tomato, avocado, and tomato spread on an Ancient Grain Thintastic bagel). Presumably, the second is for those who are still holding up their healthy New Year's resolutions. Go you. 

According to Delish, if you live in LA, San Diego, or Dallas, you can also try the new healthy Egg Cup Einstein Bros. is testing while you're there. One cup comes with turkey bacon and egg whites, and the other is bacon, ham, and cheese—both heavy on the protein and low on the carb.

Those Ringtones Though...

According to Delish, if you live in LA, San Diego, or Dallas, you can also try the new healthy Egg Cup Einstein Bros. is testing. One cup comes with turkey bacon and egg whites, and the other is bacon, ham, and cheese—both heavy on the protein and low on the carb.

Yeah, so these ringtones I'm talking about are your typical ring. They're the sounds of the typical morning routine, like bacon sizzling, coffee brewing, eggs frying, and the classic, but most annoying, a rooster crowing.

Each sound conveniently includes a person saying, "wake up," or "good morning," and encourages you to conquer your day. Of course, they also encourage you to eat at Einstein Bros. You can listen for yourself and download at Einstein Bros. site. 

So maybe these ringtones won't be the one to get you out of bed, but I'll bet a free egg sandwich will.