
Why I Don’t Give A F*ck About The Word Fat, and You Shouldn’t Either

When used as a noun, the word “fat” is a scientific fact. As an adjective, it’s just mean. Unfortunately, we all know people will use it and people will be called it.

Even though we were taught about sticks and stones, words hurt and it sucks. So here’s why we don’t give a fuck about fat and you shouldn’t either.

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It seems that in this day and age, physical appearance determines our perception of people. With the presence of social media, first impressions are generated from profile pictures and Instagram selfies. Image is everything.

Seriously, I challenge you to go a day without being influenced by body image. You can’t scroll through your Twitter feed, flip through the channels, or look at a magazine without being reminded about how off point your body is.

There is an ideal image of society’s perfect bod that is almost impossible to replicate. And it gets worse. The standards of sexy are always changing.

5 years ago, thin was in. Now everyone’s all about the bass. Who can keep up? Should we be squatting for a thick ass, or eating celery to look like a model?

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Who cares! It’s all about feeling comfortable in your own skin. If you’re confident in yourself, you won’t care if you don’t have a Nicki Minaj-sized butt, or that no “Body by Victoria” bra will ever help you even closely resemble Candice Swanepoel. With confidence, you might as well be on the next swimsuit cover because you look amazing and no one can tell you otherwise.

I know, I know, this is all much easier said than done. If you’re not one of the fortunate few born knowing exactly how awesome you are, confidence is a hard virtue to build.

For a lot of us, it’s easier to look in the mirror and find 10,000 flaws than 1 thing we love about our bodies. If that sounds like you, then you need to go to that mirror and find that one thing, because tearing yourself down is even worse than letting someone else do it.

Instead of working forever to achieve the perfect body (that you will never think is perfect), work on building your confidence. It will last longer anyway.

Rule #1: Shut down negative thoughts

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Don’t beat yourself up for having that piece of cake. If that little voice inside your head is calling you a fatty for ordering that burger, you can tell it to STFU because everyone deserves a cheat day.

Rule #2: Go HAM at the gym

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The only time you should ever pay attention to parts of your body that you don’t like is at the gym. For your hour-long workout, focus your attention on your less-than-perfect love handles and not so rock hard abs to push yourself to be your most confident self.

But if your ass is your best asset, you better be workin’ what your mamma gave you for the other 23 hours.

Rule #3: Fake it ’til you make it

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This is more of a life motto. Act confident even when you’re not. If you walk into a room like you’re Beyonce, people will actually believe it. Once people start to notice, you’ll believe it too.

The way you think of your body and yourself is so much more important than the way other people think of you. Confidence is key. If you love yourself, you wont need anyone else’s approval to feel good about your body.

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With confidence no one can make you feel bad about yourself. Ever. Wear your confidence with confidence. It will get you farther than any bitch who ever called you fat. So bring on the f bombs because we don’t give a fuck about fat.

Want more body image boosts? Read on: