
How to Ease Yourself Into Drinking Coffee, as Told by a Coffee Addict

So you’ve started to drink coffee… good for you. You’ve probably made one of the best decisions of your life so far, because coffee isn’t just a beverage; it’s a way of life. On the negative side, you’ve probably just picked up a habit that you’ll never be able to quit. Sounds gloomy, but it’s not all that bad, cause… yeah, like I said… coffee. You need to bring yourself into your new dependency. Here are some tips:

1. Don’t Go Overboard

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When you first start drinking coffee, don’t drink too much. Coffee can be linked to frequent anxiety attacks, which aren’t fun at all. (TRUST.) It’s better to start off slowly, then build your tolerance. Oh, and it will build.

2. Start With Iced Coffee

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It’s similar to starting to drink beer. The first few times you drink beer… heck, the first year you drink beer… that shit needs to be ICE cold. It numbs your tastebuds and is probably the best/easiest way break in the strong taste of coffee.

3. Add Something

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Add milk, sugar, or sweetener to make that cup of morning glory taste better. You can start to wean off of the stuff once you think the time is right. Or just keep loadin’ on the sugar.

4. Mix it Up A Bit

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Milk, sugar, or sweetener didn’t solve the problem? Go nuts. Make that coffee into a freakin’ dessert. Add syrup, whipped cream, chocolate, anything you can think of. Fledglings, it’s all about faking it till you make it.

5. Talk to Friends

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Your friends (who love coffee) are probably your best bet. Everyone’s different, so you might not like what your friends will, but you should give it a chance. If they’re good friends, they’ll sense your coffee needs. (It’s in the beans.)

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