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Yes, You Need To Clean Your Fridge & Freezer

This semester, I moved into my first college apartment. That meant that for the first time, I had a full size refrigerator and freezer. In my previous dorms, I had a mini fridge that came with an even smaller freezer. I never really had any groceries because I didn’t have a kitchen, so my fridge was usually empty. But when I got to my first apartment, I quickly realized that my fridge and freezer were going to be packed with groceries. After a few weeks, I also realized that my fridge and freezer should be getting cleaned regularly. 

I had seen my mom clean the fridge pretty often, but I attributed that to her being a clean freak. I thought that since every food item in the fridge and freezer was in a container or bag, there was really no purpose in cleaning its interior. But every now and then, I would get a whiff of the fridge and realize it wasn’t as clean as it should be, or I’d notice stains on the fridge drawers that shouldn’t be there. I came to the realization that cleaning the fridge and freezer was not optional, but necessary. Here’s how to deep clean your fridge and freezer to get rid of any suspicious smells and keep food fresher for longer.

How often should you clean your fridge/freezer?

You should be regularly maintaining your fridge and freezer’s cleanliness. This means wiping up spills and throwing away rotten food (and its remnants). It only takes a few seconds to clean up a spill, and it’s better than letting it sit there for months until you finally decide to clean the fridge as a whole.In terms of deep cleaning, you should be doing a total clean every three to four months. Think of it as doing a cleaning before the start of every season.

Does it matter if you clean your fridge/freezer?

Yes, it does! If you don’t clean your fridge or freezer, it makes it really easy for bad things like bacteria and mold to grow. Your fridge can also start smelling funky if you don’t take the time to really clean it. Plus, your fridge functions better the cleaner it is: a clean fridge means a fridge that keeps your food colder and fresher. Who wants to open a freezer to stains and rotten food?

How do you clean the inside of your fridge/freezer?

Let’s start with the fridge. Obviously, the first thing you’re going to need to do is take everything out of the fridge. Toss out anything that’s gone bad, and keep all of your good products to the side. Also, make sure your fridge is unplugged. You want to make sure no water gets on the plug to avoid any hazards. Next, take out the removable drawers if you have them. The best way to clean these drawers is in the sink. Use hot water and dish soap to really scrub them down, getting rid of any food residue that may have been left on them.

For the non-removable parts of your fridge, you can wipe them down using warm water and some dish soap. Then, use clean water to rinse off the soap. Make sure you get deep into those shelves. Once this first general cleaning is done, it’s time to sanitize. Use one tablespoon of liquid bleach in one gallon of water to make a sanitizing solution that you can wipe down the inside of your fridge with. 

If you’re noticing an odor in your fridge, you can make a vinegar solution to eliminate the smell and sanitize at the same time. Combine equal parts white vinegar and water and use it to wipe down your fridge. If there are any stubborn stains, like some leaked pasta sauce or salsa, you can create a baking soda paste. Mix some baking soda with a small amount of water. It will become a dough-like mixture that you can then use to scrub out any stains. It also removes any of the stains’ lingering odors. 

Now let’s move on to your freezer. First, make sure your freezer is unplugged. Next, remove all of the freezer’s contents. To keep food from thawing too much, place it in your fridge. Throw out any food that’s gone bad. 

Like with your fridge, remove any shelves or drawers that can be taken out, and wash them in the sink with soap and hot water. For your freezer’s interior, you can use the same vinegar solution. Wipe down the inside of your freezer with the solution. If there are any particularly sticky spots, you can use an old toothbrush. 

Dry the inside of the freezer with a cloth or paper towels. Don’t worry if there’s some water left over! It’ll just freeze. Replace all of the removed drawers and food, and plug your freezer back in.

Should you clean the outside of your fridge/freezer?

Yes! If your fridge is anything like mine, there’s definitely fingerprints all over it. Luckily, these can easily be cleaned. For stainless steel fridges, use a microfiber cloth and a stainless steel cleaner to spray and wipe the outside with. My fridge is not stainless steel, so I just use a household spray and paper towels. Pay special attention to the fridge and freezer handles: there are plenty of germs from your hands on them. 

Amanda Brucculeri is the fall editorial intern for Spoon University, where she covers food news and emerging trends.

Beyond Spoon University, Amanda works as the podcast editor for Boston University News Service, where she oversees a team of reporters covering news through audio. She also writes for the city column of The Buzz Magazine, and is the host of a true crime radio show on WTBU student radio. She is currently a junior at Boston University, majoring in journalism with a minor in public relations.

In her free time, she enjoys curating playlists, trying new restaurants, and watching movies.