
How I Won 52 packages of Dunkin' Donuts New Coffee

You could imagine the horror when I received a text from my mom saying: "A big heavy box came today addressed to you from Dublin?????" I immediately started thinking of the various things it could be. Did I buy something online by accident? Did my friends abroad send me something fun? Never did it even occur to me that it would be from Dunkin'. Here's how I won 52 packages of Dunkin' Donuts' new coffee

Enter to Win

Normally, when you get those emails saying enter to win, you enter and think nothing of it. But, if you're like me and you get that kind of email from Dunkin' Donuts, you know that this is no child's play.

I ended up winning 26 packages of Dunkin' Donuts new coffee: Dulce de Leche Cookie, and those 26 were only half of it. The other half is expected to arrive in 6 months. I now have a package of DD coffee for every week of the year. 

The Game

There were three flavors up for creation in the Bakery Series. Each day, you had to log in to your Dunkin' account and vote for one of the three. I took this game very seriously. I left the email in my inbox and voted every day for a month (it was part of my morning routine). Luckily, I voted for Dulce de Leche and it ended up being the winning flavor, and I ended up being the first prize winner. 

My family and I have already had the coffee every single day for a week. As a loyal and very honest Dunkin' fan, this flavor did not disappoint. It has a smooth taste with a sweet touch of flavor that peps you up first thing in the morning. 

Did I think I would win? Absolutely not. Is it hilarious that I, the girl who has a tradition of going to Dunkin' Donuts with her dad every Sunday ended up being the first prize winner? Absolutely. Will this be the first and only prize I ever win? Probably.