
Here’s Why You Should Look Into Spoon WFU’s Spring Recruitment

It’s the start of yet another year and a brand new semester. This can only mean one thing —Spoon WFU is looking for new members to join our foodie team! Let me tell you a little about what Spoon means to me.

Photo by Ashley Hamati

I am a die-hard foodie. From sushi, to pizza, to Indian cuisine, to Falafel —I’m up for anything. Finding an awesome restaurant, food truck or dish feels like winning the lottery. And it’s so exciting to document every step of the way. Thankfully, I found a group of people who share the same natural impulse to turn an ordinary meal into a creative experience.

Thankfully, I found Spoon.

We don’t just write about food. We cook and explore new restaurants together. As a student group, we regularly hold social events for both our members and our campus. We’re here to be Wake Forest’s everyday food resource.

Photo courtesy of

So if you’re a Wake student that likes anything having to do with food —whether that may be dorm room cooking or snapping jaw-dropping Instagram pics —join us this semester at Spoon. As we kick off 2016, we’re looking for writers, editors, photographers, and marketing team members to join our team.

Applications can be found here and are due January 31st! So apply, apply, apply.

Need more Spoon-spiration in your life? Check out these articles: