
Dear Starbucks: Here's Why You Should Make Pumpkin Spice a Year-Round Thing

Have you ever heard the quote: "You won't know what you really have until it's gone?" That's precisely how I feel about pumpkin spice during the fall season. I should add here that I don't think pumpkin spice really tastes like pumpkin, but rather a sugary concoction made for consumers to think that they're really experiencing the wonder of fall. 

Despite the sugary misnomer of the autumnal beverage world, I would argue that coffee companies like Starbucks and Dunkin' Donuts would make a significant case if they decided to offer pumpkin-spice year 'round. I'm talkin' lattes, swirls, and themed baked goods in the summer, spring, and depths of winter. Here's why pumpkin spice deserves to stick around on menus all year:

1. Pumpkin-spiced beverages are one of the best-selling flavored beverages of all time. 

After Starbucks released the iconic pumpkin spice latte (PSL) in fall 2003, it's topped the charts as one of their most popular offerings. A poll even revealed that 68% of Americans crave pumpkin spice even before the fall season starts. That means that people are jumping at the bit just to get their hands on a warm PSL before their local Starbucks runs out (as if that's even possible)! 

2. You can infuse pumpkin spice into almost any beverage: hot or cold. 

Need a fall twist on hot cocoa? Add a pump of pumpkin syrup. Enjoying an iced latte? Try adding some pumpkin for a sweet twist. And the pumpkin cold brew? That's already a keeper. 

3. The cold weather isn't just confined to fall. 

Some of us wear leggings and blanket scarves most months out of the year. I must admit, I'm not the biggest fan of hot chocolate or peppermint mocha around the holidays; I'd much rather sip a warm pumpkin beverage to keep myself holly and jolly. 

4. 2020 was a shit year. Let's have at least one thing that could make it all better. 

If I hear one person ranting about how pumpkin spice is so terrible, I'm literally going to scream. Can't we all have this small victory at least once?