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Here’s How You Can Get Free Potbelly This Month

Want a free sandwich? Of course you do! Well, thanks to Potbelly, you can cash in on a free sandwich between now and Oct. 30.

That’s right: Potbelly Sandwich Shop is feeding customers literal smiles by giving away up to 75,000 sandwiches (that’s a lot of sandwiches).

All you have to do is download the Potbelly Sandwich app (available for iPhones and Androids), head to your local shop, and order your favorite warm ‘n’ toasty sandwich. 

Once you’ve ordered and added toppings, all you have to do is go to the register and pay using the app. The free sandwich will automatically load to your account. 

This scrumptious carby offer is valid now through Oct. 30, or until 75,000 sandwiches have been given out, whichever comes first.

Even if you miss the free sandwich deal, all new app users get a standard Potbelly Perk of a famous Potbelly cookie just for signing up. 

So basically, you can either get a free sandwich or a free cookie this month—sounds good to me! You can find your local shop here.

#SpoonTip: Don’t worry, Potbelly has healthy options, too. 

Katherine has been involved with Spoon since the early days of the NYU chapter. She continued to write for Spoon while earning her master's degree in human nutrition at Columbia University and authored the Spoon Guide to Healthier 2016. Katherine likes to avoid wearing real pants, hanging out with her rescue pup Millie, drinking iced coffee in all 4 seasons, and baking vegan treats (yes, Baker is her last name). Katherine is now a student at Columbia Mailman School of Public Health and learns about how climate change impacts human health and nutrition (#school5ever). Hit her up on Insta (@katherinebaker4) and kbaked.com for more #relatablecontent.