All the competition is, Gator bait. That’s right FSU, you’re nothin’ but Gator bait.
Attention Gator fans, with the upcoming football game against FSU, Spoon UF and Spoon FSU have decided to start up a little friendly competition–with food porn. Starting this upcoming Sunday, November 15th, until Saturday November 21st, we will be holding an Instagram competition. That is, we need all you food porn/Instagram loving Gators to #spoonuf on all of your pictures. The school with the most hashtags wins.
Here’s the spin–the loser has to post a video doing the opposing team’s chant after the Thanksgiving football game. Aka, we NEED to win so FSU can be seen doing the Gator Chomp (and so we don’t have to do the Tomahawk Chop, gross).
Whether you go out for a dank meal downtown or make a killer meal in your dorm kitchen, Instagram that ish and #spoonuf. Do it for the Gators–because in all kinds of weather (and all competitions against FSU) we all stick together.