
7 Things I Wish I’d Known About Trying to be Healthy in College

Being healthy: what a drag right? We all (generally speaking) want to be healthy and college is a place where our self control is put to the test. I try not to focus on my weight because it can really perpetuate an unhealthy obsession that never ends.

So, instead I try and focus on being the healthiest me without obsessing over weight. But at the end of the day we need to find humor in it all. Here are 7 things I wish I'd known before coming to college.

1. Going to the gym

I'm lucky enough that my gym is one floor down from me in my dorm. My goal, at the start of the year, was to go 3 times a week but once midterms hit that kind of all went out the window. So, don't beat yourself up for not heading to the gym when times are stressful.

2. The salad bar

Maybe it's just me but I find the salad bar at my school bland af. I mean there is only so many boring side salads I can have before I just call it quits out of frustration. At my school, we are lucky because we have a few healthy spots nearby that accept our dining plan. My favorite of these healthy hot spots is Cava, a Mediterranean grill.

3. Stress eating

I mean this is a no brainer. Sometimes, I fuel my stress with food and I know it's bad. Seriously though, this is something we all should try to avoid. It has been scientifically proven that going to the gym helps relieve stress, so give it a shot and it will probably boost your self esteem.

 4. Living in DC 

Coming from NYC, I was never without endless options for food. But I've found DC to be a pretty good competitor with all the restaurants, food trucks and cafes. So, obviously this fuels to eat out when I'm frustrated with the blandness of dining hall food.

5. Brunch

Everyone loves brunch especially college student's, and it's a perfect way to catch up with friends when things have been busy. So inevitably this will be another college students worst enemy when they are trying to be "healthy." 

6. Instagram

Instagram is great but it also doesn't help with fueling cravings. I usually start my day by checking my Instagram and am always welcomed by a wonderfully photographed meal. 

7. Money

Money will always be a college student worst enemy. If I could afford to eat out and go to Cava or Beefsteak I would. But the reality is as a college student I have a meal plan and I don't like the idea of just throwing away all my money on food outside of campus.  But if you play your cards right you can enjoy an elegant dinner every now and then. Wanna know how to save money in college? Click here.

So, yes eating healthy in school is not always the easiest and it definitely isn't always desired. But, just remember that we all have our own struggles with food. Just do it day by day and strive for the healthiest you can be. Also call yourself out when you're falling out of line, be honest and most importantly eat good food.